Sentences with phrase «forcibly removed»

If they had forcibly removed her car keys and kept them from her overnight, they would probably have been in danger of a lawsuit for stealing her car.
Loewen exposes false narratives about black people living exclusively in urban areas, showing that between the end of slavery and 1890, they lived in pretty much all areas of the country until they were forcibly removed.
According to Professor Cyril Mbatha, the current discussion surround land expropriation seems to confuse land restitution with land redistribution: «Expropriation, with or without compensation, would be appropriate as terms in restitution cases, where communities were forcibly removed, regardless of whether the communities have laid any land claims.
Of the survey sample, 12 % were looked after by a carer who had themselves been forcibly removed.
The National Inquiry was conducted by my predecessor, Professor Mick Dodson, at the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and among its many findings, concluded that from 1910 to 1970, between 1 in 10 and 1 in 3 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were forcibly removed from their families.
Nationally, between one in three and one in ten Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families and communities between 1910 and 1970.
But it is unacceptable to suggest that the provision of such basic services and «practicality» outweigh the demands of social justice or constitute a total response to the needs of those forcibly removed.
The report estimated that between one in three and one in ten Indigenous children were forcibly removed from their families between 1910 and 1970.
The Bringing Them Home report graphically tells the story of how fair skinned Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children were forcibly removed from their families.
Life and security rights are contained in articles 7 - 10 of the Declaration: right to life, physical and mental integrity, right not to be subjected to assimilation or destruction of their culture, right to belong to an indigenous community or nation, and right not to be forcibly removed from their lands or territories.
There remains a pressing need for specific assistance tailored to the particular circumstances of those forcibly removed from their families.
Article 10 Indigenous peoples shall not be forcibly removed from their lands or territories.
The number of people forcibly removed was significantly less than Bringing them home had suggested;
In fact, almost 50 per cent of Aboriginal Victorians have a relative who was forcibly removed from their family through the Stolen Generations.
More and more people of influence are encouraging non-Indigenous Australians to consider how they would be affected if their children were forcibly removed from them, or if as a child they had been taken from their loving family against their will and raised in an institution or adopted out.
In debates about whether an «X» on a page amounts to «consent» to removal and therefore invalidates a person's claim to being forcibly removed.
It's not an excuse, but we need to acknowledge that people can commit offences because of past traumas and dissociation from land and culture — whether they were forcibly removed in past days or controlled in the way they can connect.
Perhaps the most contentious issue raised by Bringing Them Home was the finding that the policies which forcibly removed Indigenous children from their families constituted genocide.
We believe that this collection of recommendations and papers from the conference will help further stimulate debate and proposals for new program initiatives so that those people forcibly removed from their families can be healed and Australian society can move towards addressing, in real terms, a major component of the «unfinished business» of reconciliation.
Even before Bringing Them Home was tabled in Parliament, the existence of the Inquiry itself and its background research and hearings began the process of non-Indigenous Australians learning what Indigenous communities have always known: that generations of Aboriginal children were forcibly removed and alienated from their families under past laws, policies and practices, specifically because they were Aboriginal.
Such an approach misrepresents the diversity of needs facing those who have been forcibly removed from their families.
The succeeding policy of «segregation» required «full blood» Aboriginal people to live on reserves and «part» or «mixed blood» people to leave reserves to be absorbed into the white community or forcibly removed and placed in government run institutions.
HREOC notes that it is difficult to place a monetary value on the grief and suffering experienced by individuals who were forcibly removed, and by their families.
During the Inquiry and after the report was released, many people - Indigenous and non-Indigenous - said that what was required first and foremost was a recognition of the racism of past laws, policies and practices that forcibly removed Indigenous children from their families, an acknowledgement of their devastating effects on the Indigenous community, and an apology.
Bringing Them Home identified the importance of addressing Indigenous well - being and healing issues for those who were forcibly removed from their families.
[1] However, there was little contention that past laws, policies and practices which forcibly removed Indigenous children from their families have not been part of Australia's official history, and that there were events that took place that should never be allowed to happen again.
HREOC notes that a number of schemes have recently been introduced nationally which compensate or provide ex gratia payments to individuals, both Indigenous and non-Indigenous, who have variously been subject to institutional care or abuse in care; who have had their wages and savings controlled; or who have been forcibly removed from their families.
Though some of its cult members choose to come willingly, others are forcibly removed from their homes by armed militia and forced to join.
Asian community organizations from Chicago hold a press conference to express their outrage after Dr. David Dao was forcibly removed from a United Airlines airplane by Chicago Aviation Police at O'Hare Airport.
The Transport Minister said he didn't know if passengers in Canada could be forcibly removed from a flight due to overbooking.
Considering all of the circumstances, I can not find that it would be in M.'s best interest to be forcibly removed from her mother's care.
 Children were often forcibly removed from their families, or their families were threatened with prison if they failed to send their children willingly.
The parents were not allowed to give any evidence!Their three children had all been forcibly removed until they were ordered to be returned by Lord Justice Thorpe on appeal.
The Government of Canada built an educational system in which very young children were often forcibly removed from their homes and often taken far from their communities.
Thomas Demetrio, a high - profile personal injury lawyer in Chicago, said his client, David Dao, suffered a concussion and a broken nose, and lost two front teeth when he was forcibly removed from the plane in Chicago on Sunday.
It was the city's officers from the Department of Aviation who forcibly removed Dao and his wife from the plane.
Trauma comes in many forms: physical abuse, illness, political violence, environmental disaster, or in the case of exiles, refugees, those forcibly removed or otherwise displaced persons, a form of suspended animation.
They insist that they will continue holding their space until their demands are met or they are forcibly removed.
Needless to say, Modern Warfare 2 has forcibly removed Halo 3 from the top of the charts, where it's likely to stay until Halo: Reach comes around to maintain the equilibrium.
That meant that the two systems, one that used XP to guide individual hero levelling and another where XP earned you specific single character cosmetics, had to be forcibly removed.
Why it's worth it: Small, compact and highly interesting one can not leave here untouched by the emotional account of the once multiracial area destroyed during apartheid, when its 60 000 inhabitants were forcibly removed.
From the 1880s onwards, many Ngaro people were forcibly removed from their homeland and much of their culture disrupted.
I can assure you if you book that flight and attempt to exit the plane in New York having only paid $ 223, you will be tackled by Spirit personnel and your wallet will be forcibly removed from your pants.
The Western Addition is usually divided into smaller neighborhoods including Hayes Valley, the Fillmore, and Japantown, which was once the largest Japantown in North America but suffered when its Japanese American residents were forcibly removed and interned during World War II.
A number of U.S. states have enacted draconian Breed Specific Legislation (BSL), meaning that even the most loving, protective family pets can be forcibly removed from their families, simply for being Pit Bulls.
While it's stressful to be forcibly removed from your home, the good news is that your insurance company will pick up your living expenses tab while you're in forced evacuation.
-- you would be forcibly removed from your home and left without shelter.
During World War I, between 1915 and 1918, the great bulk of the Armenian population was forcibly removed from Armenia and Anatolia to Syria, where the majority were sent into the desert to die.
And this time, protesters were forcibly removed from the luncheon after they shouted questions at the Senator.
To fight back on their own terms, Antonina and Jan covertly begin working with the Resistance — and put into action plans to save lives of Jews who were first forced into and then forcibly removed from the Warsaw Ghetto, with Antonina putting herself and even her children at great risk.
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