Sentences with phrase «fore edge of the book»

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Typical scenes include Oxford and Cambridge, the Thames River, Westminster Abbey, the English village and countryside, Edinburgh, authors, ships, and classical figures... Most of the books are 19th century English fore - edges, but there are a few American scenes.»
The Earl Gregg Swem Library holds the 700 - strong Ralph H. Wark Collection, the largest collection of fore - edge painted books in America.
There was once a time when fore - edge paintings were in fashion — that is, intricate illustrations around the closed pages of a book.
Jay Gaidmore, Director of Special Collections at the Library, said: «Sometimes the fore - edge paintings corresponded to the subject of the book, and sometimes not.
Fore - edge painting is a process, dating back to the 10th century, of painting scenes on the fanned edges of a book's pages or on the closed edge (side) itself.
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