Sentences with phrase «forehead as»

Sweat appeared on his forehead as he felt all eyes in the control room bear down upon him.
Taking the forehead as their origin these bodily manifestations of thinking are formed through a material process in which intuition, incoherence and non-knowledge resist the structures of authority in art production.
On some birds, this may be more of a purple color and some have a patch of yellow on their forehead as well.
When I became a middle and high school history teacher, I took that narwhal experience to heart — or forehead as it were.
He then calmly uses a cattle gun to punch a hole through the man's forehead as neat and round as a half - dollar.
A soldier aims a handgun at the forehead of a 3 - year - old girl, but a teen girl tackles him and they scuffle, the man tells the girl later that she will wish he had killed her as soldiers enter with drawn rifles and capture the would - be shooter forcing him to his knees; he taunts his captor, who aims a gun at his forehead as the camera pans away and we hear a loud shot off screen.
► On a laptop screen in close - up, we see a nude woman from the waist up (we see bare breasts and nipples) and we see a long leather strap wound through her mouth and around her forehead as a gag; she struggles and gasps as a man stands behind her (we can not see what the man is doing, but sex is implied).
Lastly, I like to use a translucent powder to set my under eye area and forehead as I find it helps combat oil throughout the day and makes my makeup blend better.
Here, the curly layers are swinging over the forehead as well as eyes to create a smart, youthful and charming look.
Sometimes I'll put it on my chin / forehead as well if I feel fancy.
Brush in the middle of your forehead as well as the middle of your chin.
Q: How do you explain whats going on internally with someone, you have a girl who has pimples all over her cheeks, her chin, her forehead as opposed to a girl that just has pimples, you know, here and there.
I half expected her to kiss my forehead as she sent me on my way.
Visualize deep indigo - blue light flowing through your forehead as you repeat «I experience harmony with my partner.»
There was a tendency in the early 1900's to classify any skull with a browridge or receding forehead as a Neandertal (Trinkaus and Howells, Sci.Am, Dec 1979).
These intense packets of sound emerge from the animal's forehead as a focused beam, much like the light from a miner's headlamp.
Wisps of hair scattered across her forehead as she is bent deep.
He will require everyone small, and great, rich, and poor, to recieve a mark (Greek translation — etchin, implant, scrath, stamp) in their right hand, or forehead as a sign of allegiance, or be killed.
«I literally had sweat droplets on my forehead as I handed the realtor my deposit check for $ 10,000 — an amount that had taken me four and a half years to save,» she writes, recalling the memory of her signing away the money she worked so hard to save.
The movie does offer a slight gesture toward the Holy when, in moments of great awe, characters touch their foreheads as if they were about to make the sign of the cross.
The dawn air dragging their hair across their foreheads as they drove hung - over to the weight room next morning was wholesome.
The seed's paste is dotted on women's foreheads as a sign of marriage.

Not exact matches

Other reports soon emerged, including one employee who alleged Conyers had made inappropriate contact, such as «rubbing on her shoulders, kissing her forehead, making inappropriate comments, covering and attempting to hold her hand,» the Post said.
The clock was seen as an easy proxy for work ethic, and employees who logged marathon sessions at their desks «wore their hours like a badge, practically tattooed on their foreheads,» Emerson says.
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure changes in blood flow, she found that as people received more information, their brain activity increased in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a region behind the forehead that is responsible for making decisions and controlling emotions.
«For me and Anj, there was this sense that he didn't change in the way we had wanted... At his funeral I remember kissing his cold forehead and saying: «You didn't change as we all hoped you would do, but you did change me.
He might well have pointed more sharply to his own wily juxtaposition of signs in the novel, that of the movie's illusion of reality and the moment's encounter of the black man on the church steps, the sign of the cross smudged on his forehead with the ashes of the inescapable exile in the wandering season of Lent that is man's lot as homo viator.
I I say that as a practicing Catholic... It comes off very phony for someone like Gingrich especially, to wear the sign of the beginning of lent on his forehead... Three marriages and many infidelities... Acting in a graceful manner would be more appropriate.
They quietly moved around the room, lightly tracing the sign of the cross on their small foreheads with anointing oil, praying for each of them to encounter Jesus, to know Jesus, to step into their lives as an act of worship.
Glorious Lord Christ: the divine influence secretly diffused and active in the depths of matter, and the dazzling centre where all the innumerable fibres of the manifold meet; power as implacable as the world and as warm as life; you whose forehead is of the whiteness of snow, whose eyes are of fire, and whose feet are brighter than molten gold; you whose hands imprison the stars; you who are the first and the last, the living and the dead and the risen again; you who gather into your exuberant unity every beauty, every affinity, every energy, every mode of existence; it is you to whom my being cried out with a desire as vast as the universe, «In truth you are my Lord and my God.»
Sehra: As the Hindu priest ties the sehra (flower veil) on the forehead of the groom while chanting sacred mantras, the close family members sing sehra songs to pep up the environment.
For example, could the author possibly mention the symbolism of the bindi or «red forehead dot» representing the «third eye» or «inner guru» then just relegating it as only a fashion statement?
I will see myself singing the words of the Psalms into my babies» hair, I'll see how we touched each of them, rubbing their backs, brushing their hair off their foreheads, holding their hands, loving them is just as much a part of our worship as anything else.
8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads.
Elizabeth Escalona, 23, was in a Dallas County, Texas, court Monday as witnesses - including her mother and the pediatrician who cared for the toddler - testified in the first day of her sentencing hearing, while prosecutors showed pictures of the little girl's hands and bruised body and forehead.
I lean my forehead against the window and tears fill my eyes as Mindy Smith's «Tennessee» plays softly in my mind.
Chances are, you can think of a few examples off the top of your head: Hardee's campaign featuring women in bikinis erotically eating giant cheeseburgers, (which is not only degrading but — as any person who has ever had a Hardee's cheeseburger could tell you — wildly inaccurate), Post-it's ad that shows a man in bed with a women who has a Post-it note with her name on her forehead (You know, so he doesn't have to actually remember it).
David, this is why you are so vital to those who are out on a limb... you aren't going to look at them as if they had a diamond shaped hole in the middle of their forehead... you're going to say welcome fellow pilgrim... lets pursue the kingdom together in our own unique style.
In proportion as the orator proceeds with his outpouring, he would get more and more excited, would become more and more delighted with himself, and whereas he had noticed no congestion of the blood while he talked about Abraham, he now felt how the nerves swelled in his forehead.
Now I would say that I was compelled by the Spirit to receive the imposition of the ashes because when the priest touched my forehead and said the words, «Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return,» it seemed as if the disconnected joint in my spirit between the solar and the lunar were popped back into its right place.
As their foreheads are ritually marked with ashes, the accompanying words make the meaning of Ash Wednesday clear: «Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return.»
† † If I can pass along a little hint, when you want to tattoo PRAYER WORKS on your forehead like I tried to, don't do it using a nail gun as a needle.
After lecturing me on the use of my uterus for the past couple of weeks, if I don't see both Gingrich and Santorum with ash on their foreheads, they will be exposed as hypocrites, and I will have to take a serious look at Mr. Magic Underpants.
As an Orthodox Jew who always wears a yarlmulka / Kippah on my head and thereby always proudly display my love and pride of Judaism and my being Jewish, it's nice to see some Christians stepping out and wearing their religion «on their sleeve» (or their forehead.
I make smaller, firmer circular motions around trouble areas - blackheads on my nose, dry patch on my forehead and then I wet a clean facecloth in water as hot as I can stand it.
My face (especially my forehead) isn't as shiny anymore and my cheeks look glowy and healthy.
Most of his gizmos and gewgaws had a smack - on - the - forehead logic to them: a tongue - and - groove closure for plastic bags, a jar lid that doubled as a coaster and a contraption made of canvas, steel rods and suction cups that prevents snow from piling up on a windshield.
So maybe forehead had a point at some issues AW simply ruin some players» careers my evidence is Podolski, this guy can score goals he never misses three chances his left foot is a real killer but leProf cant use him the guy is not a winger (why not try OG12 as a winger and see what he can do), he cant find a way to get a lot from this guy he NEVER give him a lot of second chances either.
We've all had that pang of jealousy as a friend breezes in and speaks the words, «I've just been for a quick jog» without a single bead of sweat on their forehead.
It's the time of year when one sits by a crackling fire and ponders, as beads of remorseful sweat collect on one's forehead, all the things that went unaccomplished in the preceding year.
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