Sentences with phrase «foreign assistance»

See his argument for the strategic value of foreign assistance, along with recommended reforms here.
«It's difficult to spend on foreign assistance,» he said.
When foreign assistance is given, they look for expressions of gratitude.
Last week, the House passed the «Global Food Security Act of 2016» (S. 1252), authorizing a «comprehensive strategic approach» for U.S. foreign assistance programs that address poverty, hunger and malnutrition, and increase resilience of vulnerable communities.
Climate Security Index holds that climate change will change the nature of US foreign aid and humanitarian relief, anticipation of natural and manmade disasters, and military operations, placing a new importance on developing more effective and adaptive foreign assistance programs and increasing the flexibility of US armed forces.
The office also leads U.S. government participation in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which assesses scientific and technical information related to climate change, and manages strategic bilateral and multilateral partnerships on climate change, overseeing U.S. foreign assistance in support of clean energy, climate change adaptation, and sustainable landscapes.
USAID provides foreign assistance to further America's foreign policy interests in expanding democracy and free markets while improving the lives of the citizens of the developing world.
According to an article by Ria Novsti the Russian Foreign Ministry claims that the recently announced US Financial Aid to the new Kiev Government is illegal because the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act prohibits financial assistance to the government of any state whose legally elected president was overthrown as a result of a military coup or an unlawful decision.
If we want a stronger, safer America, full funding for foreign assistance is critical.
No one can know what the attitude of the new US administration will be to funding foreign assistance of any kind or to global cooperation in the health area.
Should he be confirmed, we plan to hold him to the high standard befitting the office of Secretary of State, and especially hold him accountable in continuing the U.S. government's efforts to empower women, including through foreign assistance support for family planning.
As President Donald Trump seeks to balance the US budget, it has been reported that the administration wants to dramatically cut foreign assistance by as much as 37 percent.
It is at once a genuine description of the perils America currently faces with the world's shifting economic poles of gravity (and influence) and a fervent defense of US foreign assistance in reaction to Washington's sequester impasse.
Even under George W Bush, development was already increasingly prioritised, with foreign assistance doubling during his time in office.
Foreign assistance needs to boomerang back to American business.
Unfortunately, the food aid and development assistance budgets and programs are developed separately, and as a result the U.S. foreign assistance system is not set up to encourage a comprehensive development approach.
Frist wrote that foreign assistance saves lives and furthers security efforts abroad.
We support a balanced budget, but to do so will require deep cuts in the mandatory spending that account for two - thirds of federal spending — not much smaller discretionary accounts like foreign assistance, which represents less than two - thirds of one percent of the budget.
Last month, World Vision's Rich Stearns met with lawmakers to discuss how foreign assistance can help end extreme poverty.
Through targeted foreign assistance across Africa, for example, Kerry argued, the US can promote more reliable investment conditions «to help plant the seeds [of emerging market growth],» rather than «cede that power to others.»
The deepest cuts will hit foreign assistance programmes and contributions by the world's largest economy to international organisations like the United Nations and its global peacekeeping budget.
Our request meets the requirements of Proclamation 7750 because grand corruption in Nigeria including the alleged stealing of public funds meant to fight Boko Haram, has had serious adverse effects on U.S. foreign assistance goals in the country and undermined the stability of democratic institutions.»
The Ijaw Youth Council, IYC, has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to seek foreign assistance from the United States, US, and other foreign countries in tackling the...
And the problem confronting foreign investments also stymie foreign assistance,» Mr Jackson said at the opening of the Ghana Good Corporate Governance Initiative round table in Accra yesterday.
She is also a member of the Modernizing Foreign Assistance Network, a network of think tanks, non-government organizations, and faith - based organizations that aims to strengthen U.S. efforts in developing countries, and she regularly interacts with top officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) and other parts of the United Nations.
As a developing country, Mexico only has so many resources to implement this action plan without foreign assistance.
In other circumstances executive action to enlist foreign assistance in enforcing Canadian penal or regulatory laws might be a better approach.
The guidelines contain information on how the expanded global gag rule — a U.S. foreign assistance policy already unprecedented in its deadly scope — should be implemented.
Alum LeAnna Marr's work with US Aid focuses on national policy and educational reform in countries where the U.S. government provides foreign assistance.
«The Department of State's foreign assistance programs are rigorously designed, implemented, and monitored to ensure that they are based on core American values,» MacManus said in a letter.
Given the looming March 1 deadline for across - the - board sequestration which would reduce State Department operations by $ 850 million and foreign assistance by $ 1.7 billion, the US» chief diplomat used his speech to defend the foreign policy budget against spending cuts, portraying foreign affairs as the guarantor of American economic prosperity.
Amid these new competitors, US foreign assistance, he maintained, must avoid being a «giveaway.»
The other issues in Rio are mostly trouble for an American president, having to do with foreign assistance, inequitable distribution of wealth and power, oceans (the United States is still blocked from ratifying the Law of the Sea treaty by a small Senate bloc) and efforts to find common approaches to conserving global assets like the planet's biological diversity — a fight far beyond the power of a single leader to sway.
We need to let our President and our Congress know that they have our permission — in fact, our insistence — to fully fund foreign assistance for health and development.
However, we must avoid complacency and cynicism in the face of the negative side of foreign assistance.
This safety net can be financed through foreign assistance, a standstill on debt servicing, or other emergency means.
What it says: The amendment prohibits the use of U.S. foreign assistance funds for the performance of abortion «as a method of family planning.»
That price tag also covers increases in the Department of Homeland Security, foreign assistance, and estimated future obligations for veterans» care.
All government mandated programs including Women's Rights of Choice and Voting, Welfare, Health Care, Legal Services, Student Loan Programs, NASA, Agricultural Funding, Foreign Assistance Programs, Affirmative Action Programs, Gay Anything Programs will all cease to be funded by the stroke of my pen.
In March, President Trump issued a budget that recommended a 32 percent cut to foreign assistance.
Currently, foreign assistance — America's contribution to health care and development efforts abroad — represents a fraction of 1 percent of the nation's budget.
Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour recently stated in an interviewthat «the foreign assistance extended to Jordan is not enough in the face of the extraordinary numbers of Syrian refugees who have sought a safe haven in the Kingdom since the start of the Syrian conflict in March 2011.»
As a longtime supporter of foreign assistance, [2] Kerry's speech jibes with his past arguments, while at the same time reflecting new, immediate concerns about State Department funding after the sequestration cuts.
As he noted, eleven of the US» top fifteen current trade partners are former beneficiaries of U.S. foreign assistance.
In rejecting the impulse to turn inwards, disengage globally, and reduce spending through cuts to foreign assistance, [4] Kerry admonished, «we have lost the luxury of just looking inward -LSB-...] we look out and we see a new field of competitors.»
Furthermore, foreign assistance, on which Jordan was able to rely while dealing with the influx of Iraqi refugees, is insufficient.
Neither foreign assistance to the controversial mato oput nor the ICC were mentioned as an essential part of building peace.
«I want to put machinery in place to prevent leakages and slippages.In so doing our budget will not need foreign assistance
The PMI was launched in 2005 to provide foreign assistance to reduce malaria - related mortality in sub-Saharan Africa.
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