Sentences with phrase «foreign substances»

The term "foreign substances" refers to things that are not normally found or belong in a particular place or thing. They are materials or elements that are unfamiliar or do not naturally occur in a specific environment. Full definition
The simplest markers show concentrations of foreign substances in blood or fat.
Due to a weak immune mechanism, your body at times is unable to resist the attack of foreign substances like the bacteria, parasites and viruses.
Your baby's immune system is still very immature, meaning it is less able to distinguish harmful foreign substances from harmless protein.
The immune system is able to recognize foreign substances like viruses and bacteria that might do our body harm.
You shouldn't ever even need to give them a bath unless they get some type of foreign substance on them that needs to be removed quickly.
This mechanism acts as a protective barrier against bacteria and other foreign substances going directly into the bloodstream that could potentially kill us.
The bottom line is that the body was not designed to deal with foreign substances like artificial sweeteners.
The immune system is designed in such a way as to protect us from harmful foreign substances.
The immune system normally produces antibodies to attack foreign substances in the body, such as bacteria.
The body's immune system is designed to fight foreign substances in the body, like germs and viruses.
It helps to create a protective barrier that defends your body against foreign substances and allergens.
They also cause other immune system cells to destroy foreign substances.
This is, in fact, one of the most important functions of a healthy gut; to prevent foreign substances from entering the body.
Your dog's digestive system should be able to deal with the unwanted foreign substance on its own within 24 hours.
The job of your immune system is to find foreign substances, like viruses and bacteria, and get rid of them.
Is the rule on altering coats and foreign substances selectively enforced?
Besides foreign substances in the body, life insurance companies also use urine tests to detect existing or potential health issues.
Part of the body's defense system, the lymph nodes remove microorganisms and other foreign substances.
But what makes my work different from a physician's work is that I'm not dealing exclusively with biological systems that can be tested with foreign substances like antibiotics.
It reduces vaginal itching because it prevents bad bacteria and foreign substances from attaching to the lining of the urinary tract, thereby reducing the occurrence of urinary infections in women.
That includes acne, because healthy bacteria protects your gut lining from foreign substances in food passing through and keeps food allergies at bay.
The adaptive immune system refers to the body's response to specific antigens, such as foreign substances from bacteria or tumor - associated antigens from tumor cells.
Now ingredients are tested more extensively for foreign substances such as melamine to prevent a re-occurrence of this disaster.
When foreign substances permeate the gut lining the gut's immune system is triggered and an inflammatory response is turned on.
These boosters stimulate the regular production of antibodies — caused by foreign substances in the body — toxins, bacteria, foreign blood cells, and the cells of transplanted organs.
In the hunt for genetic and environmental factors responsible for allergies, a prime suspect has been interleukin - 4 (IL - 4); this immune system protein tells white blood cells to make IgE antibodies, which recognize foreign substances and set off an immune attack.
Only experimental treatments were available, and survivors, including health care workers, are at risk for persistent infections from the virus remaining in sites that can tolerate foreign substances without eliciting an inflammatory immune response, such as the eye and testes.
Its purpose is to eliminate foreign substances or invaders, such as bacteria or viruses, as well as to remove dead or injured cells that are no longer functional.
Emergency veterinarians can diagnose and treat a wide variety of internal medicine disorders caused by ingesting foreign substances or items.
Because all the itchy mice had a defective version of the E3 ligase, Copeland suspects that their ubiquitin systems fail to tag immune - related defense proteins or foreign substances called antigens for disposal — both of which then might pile up and attract too many helper macrophages to the scene, wreaking havoc with the immune response.
The immune system accomplishes these functions by identifying foreign substances and then providing the mechanisms to eliminate these invaders.
Florida's premises liability law for transitory foreign substances places to the burden of proof on the accident victim.
Defender cells would be fiercely fighting off even harmless foreign substances like the parts of certain kinds of food, for example, as the immune system would simply not be «tolerant» towards these harmless substances.
«Buildup» is a term attributed to several different foreign substances that can attach to the inner fabric of the diaper and not allow it to absorb moisture.
They've also dropped the tongue - thrust reflex (which causes them to push foreign substances out of their mouths), plus their intestines have developed the necessary digestive enzymes to absorb solid food.
The nose, mucus in the esophagus and cells in the lungs all filter foreign substances to facilitate clean breathing.
«The substances are directly active, in other words they are not activated via enzymes that metabolise foreign substances,» explains Knasmüller.
Antibody a protein produced naturally by the immune system to recognize and neutralize foreign substances.
Through his work with large patient groups, he has managed to show that narcolepsy is closely genetically linked to so - called HLA molecules, which play a key part in the immune system by presenting foreign substances to immune cells.
Medications are also foreign substances in the body, which must be metabolized and filtered by the body and this takes energy the body could be using to fight the illness.
It produces lots of enzymes that detoxify foreign substances.
Beneficial gut bacteria act as a protective lining to the gut mucosa that keeps foreign substances from entering when they shouldn't.
These non-useable foreign substances hang around alerting the immune system to foreign invaders and kick up immune system activity into overdrive.
It is part of our evolutionary survival mechanism, but an overactive response to toxins and foreign substances leads to excessive cellular damage and increased inflammation.
Our gut is the seat of the immune system, sampling foreign substances from the external environment and activating an immune response, if it finds any of those substances pose a threat to the health of the body.
Charm was again sent home with medication and high hopes that the indistinct foreign substance would pass on its own.
Antibodies are proteins that circulate in the blood and detect foreign substances (antigens), such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.
Inflammatory bowel disease results when your dog's immune system overreacts to combat perceived foreign substances in his gastrointestinal tract.

Phrases with «foreign substances»

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