Sentences with phrase «foreign type of thing»

Not exact matches

A Labour administration would focus on three things to help ease pressure on public services and wages including better enforcement of the minimum wage, cracking down on recruitment agencies who only supplied workers from particular countries and looking at areas and types of jobs where there were large numbers of foreign workers.
Most cases of type 1 diabetes occur when the body mistakenly sees the islet cells as a foreign invader and wrecks the thing.
Because the gut is where things from the outside (like food) are absorbed inside our bodies, the intestinal wall is designed to handle a many types of interactions with foreign matter.
Allocation is one thing while the type of foreign equity you buy is another.
The result is often an incorrect debate about immigration (legal and illegal) being demonised as a «bad thing» for the economy, or «it's taking local jobs» when in fact, the types of positions being recruited for are most often, being responded by foreign applicants as there are not sufficient locally qualified applicants for the high level of skills required.
Amélie and I asked, «If this type of thing happened to us while we were in a foreign country, what would we want someone to do?»
While on the one hand, this is certainly a laudable aim, the concern I have as a practitioner is that it assumes two things: 1) employers have six months or more to go through this process (and are willing to make this type of investment on someone they don't know); and 2) foreign nationals necessarily want to become Canadian permanent residents.
However, video interviewers often feel a bit foreign for the candidate who has never done this type of interview, which is why you should practice your Skype interview before the real thing.
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