Sentences with phrase «forest timber harvested»

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Yet in order to sustain the long - term health of the forests they depend on, they need sustainable economic opportunities that provide alternatives to agricultural conversion or irresponsible timber harvesting.
Income from the sale of timber has doubled, and among those communities that have taken control of forest harvesting, revenues have increased more than five-fold, a tremendous improvement that lays the foundation for further investment in CFE development.
The Rainforest Alliance worked with the community of Tres Islas, located in the biodiversity capital of the Peruvian Amazon, to develop a sustainable economy that includes non-timber forest products like Brazil nuts and palm fruit, as well as sustainably harvested timber.
Follow FSC guidelines that determine how, when, and where timber and non-timber forest products are harvested
Community members have incentive to be stewards, because forest enterprises employ hundreds of people harvesting timber, making furniture, and caring for the forest.
The Forestry Commission's function is to create, protect and manage the permanent forest estates and protected areas in the various ecological zones of the country to conserve Ghana's biophysical heritage, prepare and implement integrated forest and wildlife management plans for the maintenance of the environment to the benefit of all segments of society and to regulate the harvesting of timber, wildlife and other non-timber forest products among others.
Conventional logging ruins forests and decimates species, but low - impact methods of harvesting timber might not be so damaging.
At Iwokrama, which means «place of refuge» in the Amerindian language of Makushi, forest managers harvest timber using a technique called reduced - impact logging.
Timber harvests in Pará equate to almost half of all native forest roundlog production in Brazilian Amazonia — the largest old - growth tropical timber reserve controlled by any coTimber harvests in Pará equate to almost half of all native forest roundlog production in Brazilian Amazonia — the largest old - growth tropical timber reserve controlled by any cotimber reserve controlled by any country.
«We found that under current timber - harvesting intensities, Amazon forests logged with reduced - impact logging techniques shall recover their initial carbon stock in 7 to 21 years,» says Ervan Rutishauser of CarboForExpert in Switzerland and CIRAD in France.
A federal judge ruled on Thursday that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service violated the Endangered Species Act by issuing a permit to Montana allowing it to open the Stillwater State Forest to timber harvests in areas that would damage grizzly territory.
This does not mean they are inactive on their land; nearly half of the timber harvested in the U.S. comes from family forest lands, but only 13 percent of family forest owners have written forest management plans and only 20 percent had received professional forestry advice at the time of the survey.
«New knowledge about historical forests, which compared to current forests were less disturbed by timber harvesting and more disturbed by fire, helps us understand how human and natural forces can interact to shape a range of alternatives for future forest conditions.»
Researchers at the Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE) at the University of Kent say that with over 4 million km2 of tropical forests harvested for timber worldwide, improving the way logging impacts on wildlife is essential for global biodiversity conservation.
An international and multidisciplinary team of scientists led by Christian Levers from the Humboldt - Universität in Berlin show that forest harvesting intensity is distributed unevenly across Europe and harvested timber volumes were mostly well below the increment.
Countries that export tropical timber pledged last week to harvest only sustainably managed forests by the year 2000.
Montana's forest products industry and timber harvest, 2009.
Forests: Threats to our forests Deforestation Results of deforestation Forests are cleared all around the world for a number of reasons, including: Harvesting of timber to produce wood and paper products Clearing land for farms, cash - crop plantations, and cattle ranching Clearing land for urban development, including homes andForests: Threats to our forests Deforestation Results of deforestation Forests are cleared all around the world for a number of reasons, including: Harvesting of timber to produce wood and paper products Clearing land for farms, cash - crop plantations, and cattle ranching Clearing land for urban development, including homes andforests Deforestation Results of deforestation Forests are cleared all around the world for a number of reasons, including: Harvesting of timber to produce wood and paper products Clearing land for farms, cash - crop plantations, and cattle ranching Clearing land for urban development, including homes andForests are cleared all around the world for a number of reasons, including: Harvesting of timber to produce wood and paper products Clearing land for farms, cash - crop plantations, and cattle ranching Clearing land for urban development, including homes and roads.
So far, the sustainable fashion company has planted over 100K trees to help restore forests after timber harvests.
The responses of a critically endangered mycophagous marsupial (Bettongia penicillata) to timber harvesting in a native eucalypt forest
Re «I believe the best thing to do now with «threatened tropical rain forests» is to harvest all their timber, then clear the land, then grow organic sugarcane for ethanol production.»
I believe the best thing to do now with «threatened tropical rain forests» is to harvest all their timber, then clear the land, then grow organic sugarcane for ethanol production.
But they're concerned about one part of the proposals — the length of the timber - sales contracts that would allow harvesting on thousands of acres of state forest land annually in the Interior.
If this forest impoverishment is to be controlled, then logging activities need to be restricted or replaced with low - impact timber harvest techniques, and more effective strategies to prevent accidental forest fires need to be implemented.
To qualify for registration, lands must be subject to commercial timber harvesting activities under a forest management plan, and landowners must make a long - term commitment to manage their properties to sequester carbon above and beyond what would normally occur under the owner's baseline forest management practices.
This category includes some level of forest and agriculture residues left behind after harvest (some need to remain on the ground to maintain soil fertility); timber processing wastes including sawdust and «black liquor;» and any unused manure, urban wood waste, municipal organic waste, and landfill methane.
Instead of burning piles of forest residue after timber harvests, this underutilized material can be used to produce renewable energy.
We are blessed with abundant wood resources that provide more than 2/3 of all potentially available biomass, including forest residue from timber harvests and forest thinning that improves forest health by reducing fuel loads on eastside dry land forests.
The Seneca Creek Risk Assessment states that «most red alder is grown and harvested in managed timber stands, and the data show an increase in forest area in the red alder supply region as a whole... Both Oregon and Washington have comprehensive forest practice rules.
A significant portion of the U.S. red alder resource is not available for harvest; forest practices rules constrain timber management in riparian areas where red alder is most abundant.
In 2013, the Ministry of Forestry reported that 53 percent of wood harvested from natural forests was from this «conversion timber
«Timber, turf, stone and straw will be harvested locally with the support of Abriachan Forest Trust, Reelig Community Woodland and local farmers.
Dr. Nepstad says that landowners in the Amazon — especially those with fire - sensitive investments like orchards, intensive - cattle operations, and managed timber harvesting — are curtailing the use of fire as a land - management tool, reducing the incidence of fires that escape into neighboring forest areas.
From compliance of federal and state laws to building timber harvest plans that minimize environmental impact, private forest landowners are taking the necessary steps in their everyday practices to be stewards for the water, soil, and wildlife of working forests.
Tree cover loss may be the result of human activities, including forestry practices such as timber harvesting or deforestation (the conversion of natural forest to other land uses), as well as natural causes such as disease or storm damage.
For timber, all wood must be certified to Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) 100 % labeling standards, from salvaged sources, or from the intentional harvest of on - site timber for the purpose of clearing the area for construction or restoring / maintaining the continued ecological function of the on - site bionetwork.
But the good news for tropical forests was tempered by developments including Indonesia announcing its intentions to open up more than 2 million hectares of carbon - dense peatlands to old palm development; the collapse in law enforcement in Madagascar, contributing to an explosion of commercial timber (and lemur) harvesting in that country's spectacular rainforest parks; a breakdown at the RSPO meeting over efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from palm oil production; violent conflict in Peru between government security forces and indigenous groups over land rights and resource extraction; massive foreign land acquisitions in the Congo Basin; dodgy REDD dealings in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea; and large - scale expansion of oil palm agriculture in the Amazon.
Aside from what they found within the structure, they sourced timber from a nearby deconstruction and purchased FSC - certified, sustainably harvested wood — itself an expression of the work Ecotrust does to support healthy working forests.
The first is that nobody can be certain the new trees necessary to absorb power - station emissions will ever be planted, especially since Drax does not own the forests harvested for its timber.
Canadian Firm to Run Logging Operation The underwater logging will be done by the Canadian firm CSR Developments, a company founded in 2005 to harvest submerged forests throughout the tropics, which will have a 25 - year concession to harvest 350,000 hectares of submerged timber.
The agreement aims «to promote the expansion and diversification of international trade in tropical timber from sustainably managed and legally harvested forests and to promote the sustainable management of tropical timber producing forests
Enviva maintains that by supporting the market for byproducts of timber harvests, it provides a financial incentive to keep forests forested, and that its procurement policies require suppliers to reforest timbered tracts, either through planting or by allowing natural regeneration to occur.
Now, not only are the timber harvest licences invalid but the provincial Forest Act is now constitutionally inapplicable to those 1900 square kilometres.
Here is a synopsis of the lecture: Decades of acid deposition have depleted soil calcium reserves and, when combined with timber harvesting, predicted losses of calcium from soil are considerable and may ultimately threaten long - term forest health and productivity and lead to negative impacts on lakes.
FSC inspectors evaluate a timber firm's commercial forests and verify that their natural biodiversity is being maintained, that the same number or fewer trees are being harvested than removed, and that the forest is naturally self - sustaining.
We feel it is important to ensure that the timber used to create hardwood flooring is grown and harvested whilst maintaining — and where possible enhancing — the biodiversity and ecosystem of each forest.
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