Sentences with phrase «forget about the trauma»

Not exact matches

Micah Mattix analyzes the first line of The Wasteland: Eliot's «April is the cruellest month» is not so much about his conflicted response to spring (rooted in some forgotten childhood trauma) or about creating a linguistic puzzle to help us develop our skills of attention but about....
i wish winger forget about this striker trauma for now and sign a deadly winger like reus.
The dog forgot about it once it wasn't happening anymore, and you can help the dog forget as well by not triggering anything that resembles that early trauma.
The partners of unfaithful spouses almost always experience the trauma of discovering the betrayal, and are often re-traumatized by their partners, pastors, or misguided couples therapists by being told to «quickly forgive and forget» and «not talk about it anymore».
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