Sentences with word «forgotten»

But not every Inc. 500 CEO has forgotten how to play — and how to set aside time for play in his or her schedule.
Though it has fallen out of style as a headwind in recent weeks as investors have diverted their attention to mounting geopolitical risk, Dimon hasn't forgotten.
Few have forgotten Nortel's stock crash.
But this time, when the blockchain - scanning program finished running after six hours, it had silently served up an unexpected result: He'd found 200,000 Bitcoins, stashed away in an archived file in the cloud — apparently forgotten and untouched for three years.
In addition to surfacing similar resumes in order to guide you toward creating a complete resume, Resume Assistant will surface any pertinent skills that you may have forgotten to add to your resume.
«We're totally different on Staten Island, we have a different walk, a different talk,» LaCola tells CNBC of the often forgotten New York City borough, whose residents have a sometimes rough but scrappy reputation.
The automation allows us to find those people whom we have forgotten to give a status update in time.
People have placed so much emphasis on consumer - based chatbots that enterprise chatbots are long forgotten.
Whether bugs become the next toro — tuna prized for its rich, fatty taste and abundance of omega - 3s — or suffer the fate of once - faddish, now largely forgotten menu items like escargots and frog legs depends on producers» ability to push insects past the novelty - food barrier.
People don't want their loved one to be forgotten — they want to talk about them.
As one of Method Home's original investors, and co-founder of the colorful and highly stylized lip balm brand, eos, Dubitsky has staked his career on bringing great design to forgotten categories.
In the entrepreneurial world, certain franchisors haven't forgotten that.
But you'd think all was forgotten in the euphoria following the cleaning and polishing of the second - largest diamond ever discovered, one that boasts an exceptional rating for clarity and quality.
«In a situation where there's been a high - profile case of unethical behaviour, the leaders of the company need to decide what it stands for; very likely, they have a set of values somewhere that they've forgotten about.
As you may imagine and have probably experienced, the key messages of: keeping the customer happy; personally apologising etc. are likely long forgotten by the end of the performance review when Tom's salary increase expectations are exceeded (Unlikely), met (Possible) or not met (Highly likely) and Tom leaves the review demotivated and not carrying the key messages, or the meat in the sandwich, away with him.
Men have been the forgotten customer, and that's mostly because they didn't ask for more and the industry didn't deliver them more.
Similarly, a business that just jumps on a trend bandwagon — without offering anything new or different — is a gift bound to be forgotten.
«Stuff people expect gets forgotten quickly.
Giving with the recipient in mind is the best way to stand out and ensure your gift doesn't get stuffed in a closet and forgotten.
If the user asks to be forgotten and then a month later gets an email solicitation from that company, they can file a complaint.
And last year, the E.U.'s top court has ordered it to allow a «right to be forgotten» in its searches.
The «right to be forgotten» made headlines in the U.S. in 2014 when a citizen of Spain won a judgment that Google had to take down personal information about him.
That CCJ from 4 and a half years ago that you've completely forgotten about?
A successful meeting means nothing if you're forgotten the second you walk out the door.
@ Jerry — Hope the classes go well for your web video production service:) One to one contact with consumers is almost forgotten, it's a perfect means to build customer confidence, attract new clients and hopefully increase sales.
The nifty, futuristic - seeming inventions of tomorrow quickly become the dull and commoditized goods of today before ending up as the forgotten and obsolete relics of yesterday.
I run from meeting to meeting, back and forth from home to work, and I often forget to give feedback.
And don't forget the occasional e-mail newsletter from your business, which forms a bridge between socializing and direct offers.
Forget augmented reality glasses and artificial intelligence, the next holy grail products that big tech giants should be pursuing are... automatic beer makers and mobile nail printers?
Don't forget that the on - demand economy isn't all about driving or delivery.
«Forget the money, forget the fines, this is about making an institution heel,» Cramer said, adding that the government is using events like the London Whale trading debacle as justification for its actions.
If you're in a hurry and do forget to shut this straightener off — not to worry — the automatic shut off feature will power down the Xtava after 60 minutes.
«We can not forget that the point of a free - trade agreement is to advantage those within the agreement — not to help outsiders,» Ross wrote at the Washington Post last week.
Be empathetic, honest, personal, and generous — and don't forget to look good!
Don't forget recognition for accomplishment and efforts.
Forget what you hear about technology giving companies a competitive advantage.
«If you follow a budget and a timeline, you won't forget things.»
The dry cleaner puts the extra starch in your shirt collars because you always ask but this time forgot to.
In case that cookbook isn't always the first thing they turn to on one of the many nights they spend late at the office or just because they forgot to buy the necessary groceries, Blue Apron is one of the best things to have in your pocket.
Then forget about watching every penny and get back to those entrepreneurial activities that make your company what it is.
One instance where you might get penalized is if you forget to bring something and need to have it delivered to the show.
Forget what you think you know about success and begin the hard work of learning the truth about it.
If you forgot to plug it in — expect to leave it at home or take your magnetic charge cable with you.
We are able to do the work we love only because of your faith and support — and we will never forget that or take it for granted.
That said, it's very possible to know so much about the company that you forget you're there to sell yourself.
(I'm sure I am forgetting some.)
Forget all this bullshit that every idea is a good one.
(Forget that thoughtfully orchestrated original snapshot.
Forget about what you can get and focus on what you can provide.
While it's a rudimentary game, don't forget that it was created by a preteen nearly 33 years ago.
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