Sentences with phrase «form gelatinous»

Hi Jess, You could use the same amount of chia seeds instead and mix it with water to form a gelatinous paste or you could add 2 eggs.
One of the most unique attributes of this tiny black seed is its ability to form a gelatinous substance called hydrophilic colloid when it comes in contact with liquid, which helps maintain the integrity and health of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract.
In separate vessel, mix tbs chia seeds with 1/2 cup of water and let sit (chia seeds will absorb water and form a gelatinous ring around them — chia seeds help our bodies absorb water and are an excellent source of fiber).
Yes, please give me a vegetable that immediately begins to form gelatinous, mucousy strands the moment it touches liquid.
Chia seeds are often eaten raw, but can also be soaked in liquid to form a gelatinous mixture.
Chia seed has a water - soluble fiber that forms a gelatinous mass in the digestive track that appeases hunger.
This naturally occurring carbohydrate is also a form of soluble fiber, which means it dissolves in water and forms a gelatinous substance that moves through the body undigested, promoting fullness and satiety and adding bulk to your stool, which can keep you regular.
When the seeds are ground and whisked with water, the coating of the seeds forms a gelatinous texture.

Not exact matches

Chia is a gelatinous seed, which means it absorbs water and forms into a gel.
When chia seeds are soaked in water a gelatinous coating forms around the seed very similar to a tomato seed.
Chia seed puddings can be made ahead of time since the chia seeds need time to soak in the liquid (in this case coconut milk) and form into a gelatinous paste.
They can become gelatinous to create texture for puddings or remain in seed form when sprinkled on yogurt or oatmeal.
By using molecular genetic tools to reduce the amount of PC in human lung cancer cells, the team observed decreased cell growth, a compromised ability to form colonies in soft agar (a gelatinous material specifically used to grow bacteria and other cells), and a reduced rate of tumor growth in mice.
These seeds — yes, from the same plant that's used to make Chia Pet products — are an easy way to add protein (4.7 grams per ounce, about two tablespoons) and fiber to almost any recipe: Chia seeds can be sprinkled over salads, stirred into yogurt or oatmeal, blended into smoothies, or they can take center stage: They plump up and take on a gelatinous texture when soaked in a liquid, forming a rich and creamy pudding - like treat.
But beware: Once they sit in liquid for a while, they form little gelatinous balls.
This happens when the outer parts of fiber become physically intertwined with liquids, forming an outter layer of gelatinous / viscous substance.
«Organs, bone broth, and more gelatinous cuts of beef like oxtail, brisket, and beef shank are high in glycine,» says Kresser, an amino acid that helps form collagen in the body.
Apple cider vinegar, and indeed all vinegar in its undiluted form, contains a slimy gelatinous material called the «mother».
Radial canals that move nutrients through the jelly's bell form a starburst pattern that reflects the lights of ROV [remotely operated underwater vehicle] Hercules with bright splashes of yellow and pink — but without our lights this gelatinous beauty drifts unseen in the dark.
The above quote from it references a 2007 study, «Climate - related increases in jellyfish frequency suggest a more gelatinous future for the North Sea,» that points out acidification will «severely affect calcifying plankton and other skeleton - forming organisms, so would potentially favor noncalcifying organisms such as jellyfish.»
A herniated disc is a bulging or rupture of the gelatinous material that forms a cushion between the vertebrae.
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