Sentences with phrase «form of abortion»

Some thoughtful analysts, including some pro-life advocates, have suggested that the legal battle to end abortion has at last ended in defeat with this report of an apparently effective and safe medical form of abortion.
He deems unfit to live in his state those who disagree with his fervent, indeed fanatical, embrace of the most extreme form of the abortion license.
Stenberg is historic because it constitutionally validates and protects an extreme and horrific form of abortion bordering on infanticide, while placing this validation in the context of explicitly gruesome descriptions of the various forms of late «term abortion.
Was this a form of abortions?
The Gov» t will allow murder in the form of abortion but not allow the Catholic church to practice their beliefs on contraceptives.
Too often we literally sacrifice the family in the form of abortion.
These cultures feel that contraception is wrong and a form of abortion.
«He'd make all forms of abortion illegal, including cases of incest and rape, even when the mother's life is in danger.»
As of early 1971, there were 17 states which had passed some form of abortion law based on the model code suggested by the American Law Institute.
And given that many of us in the US are currently struggling with the legality of domestic wire - tapping, same - sex marriages, forms of abortion, and so on, are we so willing to concede the entire issue to a matter of what a rule says?
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