Sentences with phrase «form of activity»

While walking is one of the best forms of activity for improving insulin resistance, any activity that creates muscular activity is beneficial.
To maintain metabolic rate and decrease the chances of weight gain rebound, weight training NOT cardio should be the dominant form of activity.
The chapter goes on to explore the benefits exercise does offer, and provides practical information and advice about sustainable forms of activity.
When it's hot or raining, they each love different forms of activity and entertainment.
They encourage gamers to actually go out and do these things instead of staying in and practicing virtual forms of these activities.
Since there is a lack of data regarding the energy requirements of working dogs, it is difficult to apply this data to other forms of activity such as search and rescue or police dogs.
The advantages of a comprehensive approach are: 1) it promotes economic efficiency by allowing emission reductions in the gases which are the least expensive to abate, or the substitution of increased sinks for reducing emissions if this is the least cost option; 2) it prevents switching form one form of activity which emits greenhouse gases to another that contributes as much, if not more, to the problem of climate change; and 3) it provides an incentive to move science and technology forward.
Lifting is the best form of activity as it is controlled in all aspects.
As humans we confine, expand and grid various interpretations of space into evolving forms of activity and it is through this continuing synthesis that the work has continued to be developed within a social and cultural context.
It has long been accepted that there is a link between exercise, health and emotional positivity, but, of course, it has also been accepted that there are a number of children who dislike team sports and other structured forms of activity.
There can be no question about the value of machines that make it unnecessary for men to serve as beasts of burden, greatly increase the efficiency of the craftsman, and release human beings for higher forms of activity.
Choose pilates and other less strenuous and competitive forms of activity, skipping excessive or extreme exercise on the hottest days to prevent dehydration.
Embracing this ancient form of activity will not only improve your fitness but all areas of your health and even your mind.
It is in fact, one of the most cerebral forms of activity that can be practised.
First, you need to focus on bodyweight exercises that strengthen the muscles around your joints and prepare you for more vigorous forms of activity.
The film can be interpreted as an indictment of television, but I think Ozu's argument is instead that TV is just a new form of the activities humans develop to better get along and relate to one another.
An alternate form of this activity would involve asking pairs or small groups of students to put in order a shuffled set of teacher - created 3 - inch by 5 - inch index cards (or slips of paper), on each of which is written a step or stage in the star death process.
Pull curriculum and activities from Carone courses to create groups of courses around forms of activity that are less sports - focused, like yoga, aerobics, and low - impact martial arts. 6.
Brisk walking, running and hiking all make suitable forms of activity for these dogs.
85 % of dog owners reported they exercised their pet with walking being the most common form of activity (61 %).
It's also a gentle form of activity for older pets with arthritic joints.
Whatever you're preferred form of activity may be, it's important to do it in a conscientious manner that will keep you and others on the roadways safe.
Different cushioning needs are produced by various forms of activity, ranging from the direct, downward impact of jumping versus the lighter impact of sprinting.
«All too often individuals who have died as a result of a police shooting incident, or other form of activity, generate an initial public response that then wades into the background over time,» Jeffries said.
The conceptual foundation for the work is the Rolling Stones concert at Altamont Speedway on Saturday, December 6, 1969, where various interpretations of space collapsed into chaotic and evolving forms of activity.
Everybody that conducts any form of activity online has a...
But apart from all this, and in spite of the fact that «work» and the satisfaction of wants has usually engaged the greater part of the attention of mankind, there is another form of activity, peculiar to human beings, that does not suffer from the defects inherent in «work» and the satisfaction of wants: «play.»
Thus, this saying confirms what we have learned already from other sayings, namely, that the time of God's activity as king is now, and that the form of this activity can be envisaged in terms of conflict.
Religious faith takes this form of activity one step further.
All people and all forms of activity are regarded as subject to judgment by the standards of worth.
Between impulsion and attraction, between the efficient cause and the final cause, there is, I hold, something intermediate, a form of activity from which philosophers have drawn, by way of impoverishment and dissociation, in passing to the two opposite and extreme limits, the idea of the efficient cause on the one hand and of final cause on the other.
Alasdair MacIntyre has defined such practices as «any coherent and complex form of socially established cooperative human activity through which goods internal to that form of activity are realized in the course of trying to achieve those standards of excellence which are appropriate to and partially definitive of that form of activity, with the result that human powers to achieve excellence in human conception of the ends and goods involved are systematically extended.»
Once your child is done eating, the next step in the E.A.S.Y. method is to do some form of activity.
Once your child has had a chance to enjoy some form of activity, they will be likely ready for some sleep which is the next part of the E.A.S.Y. method.
Some baby walkers made of wood can be made in the form of an activity combo walker in which there is the advantage of doubling up as an activity center.
«If the Prime Minister were to acquaint himself more thoroughly with the National Curriculum and with practice in schools he would be congratulating state school teachers on the great job they are doing in competitive sport as well as in all forms of activity which encourage fitness.»
Cardio pertains to any form of activity that increases your heart rate.
This could be done in any form of activities, including biking, jogging, walking, swimming, dancing, and calisthenics exercises.
I would still recommend walking or some form of activity.
This is especially important if you're enjoying feasts daily and not doing any form of activity, like hiking, biking, swimming, etc..
The body adapts to low intensity cardio very rapidly as it does any form of activity.
It is one form of activity that can easily tackle all three of the questions above.
But without some effort, your profile could be sitting there for months without any form of activity.
am very honest and loyal, also caring in all forms of activity.
There is another way to play an Expedition co-op with a friend, and it requires you to complete a quest (or other form of activity) and when it ends, instead of opting to return to Astera, you can choose to go to a camp.
Ben, Teachers may deliver some form of activity or information then ask students to feedback their current understanding in Socrative (or any number of apps).
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