Sentences with phrase «form of assistance»

Your school will set your maximum borrow amount based on their published cost of attendance minus scholarships and other forms of assistance such as grants, fellowships, and financial aid.
While paperwork can't be eliminated from the special education teacher's role, there are many forms of assistance to be drawn upon.
Students are engaged by applying skills as they learn them, seeing immediate gains, and choosing from several forms of assistance when needed.
The center provides three innovative, needs - based and outcome - focused forms of assistance to serve school districts across the region.
The most likely form of assistance you'll get from hospitals is a no - interest repayment plan.
Whether you need financial assistance, child care services, medical care, legal help, or any other form of assistance, know that help is out there.
Schools like those in Windham have been cut to the bone repeatedly, and there are not even the most basic forms of assistance in the classroom.
Now, with publication of a study by investigators at the Cedars - Sinai Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute, ALS researchers know the effects of the attack are worsened, at least in part, by the aging and failure of support cells called astrocytes, which normally provide nutrients, housekeeping, structure and other forms of assistance for neurons.
LSC held a Technology Summit and one of the recommendations was to develop in each state an online, statewide «legal portal» to direct individuals with civil legal needs to the most appropriate forms of assistance.
On the table are some of the most basic forms of assistance to home buyers and the real estate industry, including the mortgage interest deduction and the government's backing of conventional mortgage securities through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Another valuable form of assistance that can be offered by Glendale renters insurance is the cost to replace any items that you own that have been stolen or destroyed.
He secured an auctioned mini bus for the association in 2014 for its activities and has donated food items to them on two occasions among other forms of assistance rendered in person.
Economists and policymakers know that the best and most enduring form of assistance developed countries can give to poor nations is not in direct grants but in open markets.
Driven by deep convictions and compassion, such organizations can provide loving forms of assistance and care that government programs can not offer.
Also, if the delivery period includes prolonged pushing stage, vacuum extraction, forceps, or any other form of assistance then it would be a great chance for misalignment.
Therefore, many Western teachers started to use those adjustments as a basis for a more fine - tuned and balanced form of assistance, finally creating a type of adjustment that guides movements and helps prevent injuries.
They are the most targeted form of assistance, focused on students with family incomes of less than about $ 60,000, with the bulk of the dollars going to people with family incomes of around $ 30,000.
CCI finds and trains a variety of dogs for different forms of assistance: hearing dogs, physically disabled assistant dogs, even as therapy dogs.
Make sure your vet knows that you are using any natural forms of assistance for addressing the symptoms of parvo in puppies.
In the litigation context, OTs provide the following forms of assistance by way of expert evidence:
In addition, APLA can provide you with many other forms of assistance including case management, housing, food, benefits assistance, home health care and much more.
We advocate for positive change in our communities by acting as catalysts in the development of resources and diverse forms of assistance that allow people to stay in their homes, as well as offering assistance when they choose to move.
In a move aimed at enhancing access to justice, the Legal Services Corporation announced today that it is partnering with Microsoft Corporation and Pro Bono Net to develop state legal portals to direct individuals with civil legal needs to the most appropriate forms of assistance.
The Family Support and Connections program offered by the Oregon State Department of Human Services provides various forms of assistance to needy families.
Intensive Concentration - When workplace literacy students encounter areas of difficulty, they can choose to access several forms of assistance.
Tulsa moving services in Oklahoma can be valuable forms of assistance to utilize when you will be moving from one Oklahoma location to another in or outside of the city.
A long journey, a service dog provides many forms of assistance to help to make the austistic journey easier.
In addition, people often confuse one form of assistance for another.
Your insurance company will help you contact tow trucks, locksmiths, or other forms of assistance as needed, and will reimburse you for the costs of these services up to certain limits.
Federal officials estimate up to half a million people in Texas will ultimately require some form of assistance.
Musk also stressed that the feature isn't meant to fully replace manual driving, but to serve as a form of assistance to the driver.
Income - based repayment options and other forms of assistance are available through the Federal Student Aid website.
For some yes they «outgrow» their SM however for the majority with SM, they do need some form of assistance to get past their SM whether in the form of CBT and / or medication.
A premature baby's lungs, though on the road to developing normally in the womb, may not have developed enough to breathe without some form of assistance.
Others go straight from standing to actual walking (that is, without any form of assistance).
If not, consider that many families who had a poor outcome with a midwife have become bankrupt and have to rely on Medicaid and other forms of assistance to care for their child.
He added that all forms of assistance in this respect generated locally and from foreign countries as promised by the G - 7 will be channeled through the committee when it is inaugurated.
I.e. NATO allies do not have to join a war if they don't consider the other party an attacker, if they render other forms of assistance, or if they don't deem it necessary.
John Enenche, said, «It is worthy of note that some countries such as Britain, USA and France among others provided one form of assistance to the military in our effort so far in the North - East.
The investigation also found the state does an inadequate job of vetting subsidy recipients to determine their history of compliance with federal and state regulators and that some companies have used their influence to tap into a multitude of subsidy programs and place executives on decision - making bodies that help determine how tax breaks and other forms of assistance are awarded.
The problem of welfare fraud is growing monthly as the number of Rockland County residents — 99,000 out of 320,000 — who receive some form of assistance from the county grows.
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