Sentences with phrase «form of fullness»

-LSB-...] women also experience pain in the form of fullness.

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Instead, we should be illuminating what is good, loving without conditions, forming relationships and living out the fullness of grace and truth.
Let the contemporary Christian rejoice that Christianity has evolved the most alien, the most distant, and the most oppressive deity in history: it is precisely the self - alienation of God from his original redemptive form that has liberated humanity from the transcendent realm, and made possible the total descent of the Word into the fullness of human experience.
Generation, as the fullness of passion that is present in sexual energy, is not simply the source of life, but in its own form and direction is the temporal image of the process of redemption.
In the light of Blake's vision, the fall is all, and, dialectically, the very fullness of his vision derives from the totality of its fallen ground: vision can not reverse all things unless it initially knows them in a fallen form.
They both attest that access to truth in visible form is related to the New Creation, the accomplished reconciliation between God and humanity, and the reintegration of humanity in its fullness.
In its outward form, however, it would be an act by the council of episcopé representing the coming - into - being of a new ecclesial reality possessing the fullness of apostolicity and catholicity.
Colossians 2:9 is even more explicit: «In Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form
The power and the fullness of a new form of energy and consciousness is inseparably related to the negation that it effects of its own original ground.
God is continually working in various forms of resistive - liberative activity outside of the contours of the Christian community, which unites a multitude of forces that strive for the fullness of life of all creation.
Why, as the white radiance comes through the dome, with all sorts of staining and distortion imprinted on it by the glass, or as the air now comes through my glottis determined and limited in its force and quality of its vibrations by the peculiarities of those vocal chords which form its gate of egress and shape it into my personal voice, even so the genuine matter of reality, the life of souls as it is in its fullness, will break through our several brains into this world in all sorts of restricted forms, and with all the imperfections and queernesses that characterize our finite individualities here below.
Not only has the modern Christian apparently been forced to retreat ever more distantly from the fullness of consciousness and experience, but he has been forced to bear the humiliation of discovering in Oriental mysticism a totality of bliss which is not even partially echoed in the shrinking boundaries of an ecclesiastical form of faith.
Do we need to do a much better job of forming future faculty who can engage the fullness of students» moral, religious and philosophical identities?
Christ goes with us, St. Paul says, in the form of the Church, «which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way.»
(Reden, Rede 10) This sense of awe, however, is related not only to the fullness of religious forms, ideas, and experiences, which Schleiermacher described as «having developed out of the eternally provident bosom of the universe.»
A more likely view, and one held by many competent interpreters, is that this present collection of ten commandments, this Decalogue, this aggregate of «ten words,» probably represents not an original nucleus around which the growing fullness of Old Testament torah formed, not a chronologically prior basic code which was subsequently expanded, but rather a self - conscious, consummately discerning effort to reduce to its most significant essence a relatively comprehensive and detailed body of torah.
These are the people in whom Christ is being formed and without whom the fullness of Christ can not be made complete.
What's missing in this thinking is a basic Catholic commitment, articulated with great power at the Council of Trent, that the fullness of Christ's truth takes on visible, embodied form.
As a counselor I am intensely aware of hostile jealousy that flows between mother and daughter and is particularly intensified when the mother begins to reach the psychologically burdensome menopause years just as the daughter blooms into the fullness of her feminine form.
All men have the need and the obligation to participate not only in the struggle for the liberation of man from all forms of oppression, exploitation and ignorance, but also in the positive effort to master all wisdom and power in love so that all may attain to the fullness of the liberty of the children of God.28
There may be other transhuman societies, in the future or even now, just as there may be other living societies embracing intelligent life on other worlds, or even emergent forms capable of incorporating the fullness of Christ within an unimaginable intensity and richness of being.
Psyllium forms a gel in your digestive system which slows down absorption and digestion aiding in the sensation of fullness.
Casein is a form of protein that helps prevent muscle breakdown, increase fullness and improve body composition.
But, as we age, the body produces less of it, since naturally occurring enzymes break collagen down, in turn, causing the skin to thin, lose fullness and form wrinkles.
This naturally occurring carbohydrate is also a form of soluble fiber, which means it dissolves in water and forms a gelatinous substance that moves through the body undigested, promoting fullness and satiety and adding bulk to your stool, which can keep you regular.
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Christ you have been brought to fullness.
Almost every main entry receives nigh - on perfect scores when review embargoes lift and it's only in the fullness of time that a true opinion forms.
Also referred to as California Hard Edge, the show work was described as featuring «economy of form», «fullness of color» and «neatness of surface», gaining popularity in other corners of the United States and even in Europe.
This sense of disembodiment is balanced with a fullness of form and physicality that is derived from the artist's earlier practice as a sculptor.
By 1990, Wilson's mastery of geometric form was so natural that there is a sense of emptying out the fullness of the gestures and strokes in Bird's Eye View, which evokes Matisse as well as Picasso in its aerial perspective on forms.
The Tang fresco paintings of Dunhuang show a dynamic brush - line and the same fullness of form in garish colours.
The life you have IS Him, the fullness of the godhead in bodily form!
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