Sentences with phrase «form of modern humans»

Because of the obvious humanness of the Turkana Boy fossil, and the fact that H. erectus brain sizes overlap the extreme lower range of modern human brain sizes, creationists have nowadays almost entirely abandoned the old line (popularized by Duane Gish) that Peking Man and Java Man are apes, and now generally claim that Homo erectus fossils are a variant form of modern humans (ignoring the inconvenient fact that there are many obvious differences between Homo erectus and Homo sapiens).
But around 42 thousand years ago, additional competition arrived in the form of modern humans.

Not exact matches

«Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery taking place in every state across the country,» said Kevin Burch, co-chairman of TMAF and president of Jet Express, Inc. «With 3.5 million professional truck drivers on America's roads, the industry and truck drivers are in a valuable position to help identify and report possible human trafficking cHuman trafficking is a modern form of slavery taking place in every state across the country,» said Kevin Burch, co-chairman of TMAF and president of Jet Express, Inc. «With 3.5 million professional truck drivers on America's roads, the industry and truck drivers are in a valuable position to help identify and report possible human trafficking chuman trafficking cases.
«In its 4.6 billion years circling the sun, the Earth has harbored an increasing diversity of life forms: for the last 3.6 billion years, simple cells (prokaryotes); for the last 3.4 billion years, cyanobacteria performing ph - otosynthesis; for the last 2 billion years, complex cells (eukaryotes); for the last 1 billion years, multicellular life; for the last 600 million years, simple animals; for the last 550 million years, bilaterians, animals with a front and a back; for the last 500 million years, fish and proto - amphibians; for the last 475 million years, land plants; for the last 400 million years, insects and seeds; for the last 360 million years, amphibians; for the last 300 million years, reptiles; for the last 200 million years, mammals; for the last 150 million years, birds; for the last 130 million years, flowers; for the last 60 million years, the primates, for the last 20 million years, the family H - ominidae (great apes); for the last 2.5 million years, the genus H - omo (human predecessors); for the last 200,000 years, anatomically modern humans
Much of the discussion of the first directive has concentrated on the issue of non-violence, but it also says that «the lives of animals and plants... deserve protection, preservation and care».18 The church's record on this issue has been subject to criticism, and certainly modern European society has tended to exploit the natural world and to emphasize the gap between human and other forms of life.
If you hold that no human death came before sinfulness, then it depends on what you call human (there is a gradation of forms leading up to the modern human skeleton in the fossil record, as well as the overwhelming genetic evidence that we arose through an evolutionary process) and what you consider sin (i.e. when did we become accountable to God for our actions?).
Incidents of people being forced to work against their will under the threat of punishment, human trafficking, child slavery, and forced or early marriage are all considered forms of modern slavery, according to the Anti-Slavery International.
What we know of biological evolution suggests that modern human subjectivity emerged very gradually over a long period of time out of simpler forms of subjectivity.
The contemporary ecological crisis represents a failure of prevailing Western ideas and attitudes: a male oriented culture in which it is believed that reality exists only as human beings perceive it (Berkeley); whose structure is a hierarchy erected to support humanity at its apex (Aristotle, Aquinas, Descartes); to whom God has given exclusive dominance over all life forms and inorganic entities (Genesis 1 - 2); in which God has been transformed into humanity's image by modern secularism (Genesis inverted).
How can anyone witness this ape - $ h + reaction in the Middle East and not come to the conclusion that modern humans are descended from earlier forms of primates?
He argued doggedly against «democratism,» the idea that majorities are always right, because he believed that democracy was the characteristically modern form of political idolatry, based on a flattery of fallen human nature.
In modern forms it grants that through human sin and folly life may indeed end on this planet — a possibility that has become the more acute through the unleashing of nuclear energy and the advance of ecological destruction.
In brief, my response to this fundamental affirmation of liberal Protestantism would he that the idea of the ultimate value and reality of the individual is historically limited to the classical period of modern Western culture, and that it can have neither a living meaning nor a truly human form in a post-modern or post-liberal period of history.
«Modern technology,» as the form of technology suited to the industrial revolution, has now become problematic, as we define the human and ecological needs of our time.
The claim to absolute knowledge, the appeal to a form of universalism that should inform civilization that is not based on empirical indexes alone, and the regulation of human sexuality that religious traditions promote make religion seem a threat to modern liberal society.
Our modern conviction that human beings and their mentality have evolved through long ages from simpler and still simpler natural forms also suggests that there is some family connection between human experience and the entities of the natural world.
The United Nations defines modern slavery, or human trafficking, thus: «the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of a person having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
Among them were pantheism and the positions that human reason is the sole arbiter of truth and falsehood and good and evil; that Christian faith contradicts reason; that Christ is a myth; that philosophy must be treated without reference to supernatural revelation; that every man is free to embrace the religion which, guided by the light of reason, he believes to be true; that Protestantism is another form of the Christian religion in which it is possible to be as pleasing to God as in the Catholic Church; that the civil power can determine the limits within which the Catholic Church may exercise authority; that Roman Pontiffs and Ecumenical Councils have erred in defining matters of faith and morals; that the Church does not have direct or indirect temporal power or the right to invoke force; that in a conflict between Church and State the civil law should prevail; that the civil power has the right to appoint and depose bishops; that the entire direction of public schools in which the youth of Christian states are educated must be by the civil power; that the Church should be separated from the State and the State from the Church; that moral laws do not need divine sanction; that it is permissible to rebel against legitimate princes; that a civil contract may among Christians constitute true marriage; that the Catholic religion should no longer be the religion of the State to the exclusion of all other forms of worship; and «that the Roman Pontiff can and should reconcile himself to and agree with progress, liberalism and modern civilization.»
We can learn perhaps from a more rigid piety that our efforts to make doctrine and liturgy relevant to modern experience ought not to dilute the forms of God's liturgical presence to what is easiest for human experience to accept and integrate.
The form of argument in this presentation has emphasized several specific points: first, that the Asian values argument, as a challenge to the implementation of constitutional democracy, is exaggerated and fails to account for the richness of values discourse in the East Asian region - local values do not provide a justification for harsh authoritarian practices; second, that the cultural prerequisites arguments fail because they ignore the discursive processes for value development and they are tautological, excessively deterministic and ignore the importance of human agency it, therefore, makes little sense to take an entry test for constitutional democracy; third, the difficulties of importing Western communitarian ideas into an East Asian authoritarian environment without adequate liberal constitutional safeguards; fourth, the positive role of constitutionalism in constructing empowering conversations in modern democratic development and as a venue for values discourse; fifth, the importance, especially in a cross-cultural context, of indigenization of constitutionalism through local institutional embodiment; and sixth, the value of extending research focused on the positive engendering or enabling function of constitutionalism to the developmental context in general and East Asia in particular.
While online support groups can serve as a springboard for meeting other mothers, modern technology will never be able to replace the human hug as the most ideal form of understanding and encouragement.
Mr Prescott also called on ministers to ratify the European Convention on Human Trafficking, described by campaigners as the modern form of slavery.
But by far the bulk of the scientific literature hand - wrings, ponders, and philosophizes about the most familiar form of the Frankenstein myth, which Shelley flicked at in her «Modern Prometheus» subtitle: the idea that mad scientists playing God the creator will cause the entire human species to suffer eternal punishment for their trespasses and hubris.
SHELL GAME A geometric design carved into this shell may indicate that human ancestors took up at least one form of «modern human behavior» long before Homo sapiens came along.
«Thus, both palaeo - anthropological and genetic evidence increasingly points to multiregional origins of anatomically modern humans in Africa, i.e. Homo sapiens did not originate in one place in Africa, but might have evolved from older forms in several places on the continent with gene flow between groups from different places,» says Carina Schlebusch.
«We are not claiming that Morocco became the cradle of modern humankind,» Hublin says, «We think early forms of humans were present all over Africa.»
«Still, I doubt whether anyone can identify a single isolated finger bone as a modern human, as opposed to any other form of hominin,» such as Neandertal, he says.
Archaeological and genetic evidence suggests that modern humans (the modern form of Homo sapiens, our species) originated in Africa during the Stone Age, between 30,000 and 280,000 years ago.
In 2004 historian John Coatsworth described globalization as «what happens when the movement of people, goods, or ideas among countries and regions accelerates,» and that process has been carrying on in one form or another since modern humans first ventured out of Africa.
As the ancestors of modern humans made their way out of Africa to other parts of the world many thousands of years ago, they met up and in some cases had children with other forms of humans, including the Neanderthals and Denisovans.
A particular form of the gene known as TPCN2, for example, bestows brown hair in modern humans; any other form means hair that's another color.
This publishing spotlight on the first prehistoric human form to be discovered (back in 1856) is appropriate, because it touches on the hottest topic in palaeoanthropology: the origin of modern humans.
Their conversion to a more vertical brow in modern humans allowed for the display of friendlier emotions which helped form social bonds between individuals.»
When modern humans use a forceful precision grip frequently during childhood, their bones adapt: Tiny spicules, or filaments, of bony tissue called trabeculae form and act as struts to provide more bone density — and strength — where the forces are greatest.
Today, humans rely on culture, often in the form of modern medicine, to change that outcome, using assisted birth with doctors or midwives, for example.
The abstract of the paper in Nature reads: «A key event in human evolution is the expansion of modern humans of African origin across Eurasia between 60 and 40 thousand years (kyr) before present (bp), replacing all other forms of hominins1.
It is true that, for unknown reasons, Neandertal culture does not display all the refinements of the Cro - Magnons, but the same is true of many early modern humans and archaic forms of Homo sapiens.
The panin line continued on to the modern chimpanzee, and the hominid line evolved through a number of forms until modern humans emerged on the scene.
Studies of Chinese populations show that 97.4 % of their genetic make - up is from ancestral modern humans from Africa, with the rest coming from extinct forms such as Neanderthals and Denisovans5.
We formulated it specifically for the modern human, where stress in its multitude of different forms has become a natural part of life.
Products made from modern wheat contain forms of gliadin proteins, glutenins, wheat germ ag - glutinin, and other proteins never before encountered by humans.
But light pollution generated by modern technologies is taking a heavy biological toll on humans, as well as other forms of life on Earth.
We now know this happens routinely in modern humans because of MEG and fMRI data in all life forms.
About Site - The Alliance to End Slavery and Trafficking (ATEST) is a U.S. based coalition that advocates for solutions to prevent and end all forms of human trafficking and modern slavery around the world.
The studio was banking on a cast of up - and - coming actors like Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller and a wunderkind director in the form of «Chronicle's» Josh Trank to push the Human Torch, the Thing, Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic into the modern era, but production difficulties may have doomed the project.
Abstract: The modern age is characterized by fast development of science and technology requires a new orientation in human form, able to adapt easily and quickly to changes frequently faced.
The texts explore the concept of equality and inequality through the history of human rights and any form of modern injustice such as child labour.
This suggests such highly stylised modern forms as the detective story and the cowboy film where, because of a withdrawal of human interest which leaves the action naked, we witness death and pain lightheartedly....
As a modern dog trainer, you realize the importance that training provides in a dog's life in the form of mental stimulation, ability to adapt to different situations, and just providing the dog guidelines for living in a human world.
While rejecting that academic example largely defined modern art's mission, it's worth pondering how odd the original project was - the superimposition of mathematical and architectural ideas onto specifically observed, fit human form.
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