Sentences with phrase «form of persecution»

Other forms of persecution: Preventing Christians from normal livelihood, not giving space for prayer, obstructing or preventing the message from spreading by the media.
Chang Qiang Zhu's behavior began to suffer only after the immigration judge asked him specific questions, such as what form of persecution the Apostle Paul used against Christians and what year Paul converted to Christianity, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled.
The most visible form of persecution over the past 18 months has been the targeting of churches in China's Zhejiang province and in particular those in its coastal city of Wenzhou.
«It is therefore to be expected that we will keep a vigilant eye on the more subtle forms of persecutions within European borders.»
«Millions, including many of our Christian brothers and sisters, have experienced the most brutal forms of persecution, and entire cultures are now on the brink of extinction,» Moore said, in written comments for Baptist Press.
The shedding of blood is clearly not the only form of persecution, but will you and I agree here on American soil, prior to that shedding of blood.
Grabbing the spoils and minimizing poor behavior that leads to ever increasing forms of persecution however, does seem all the rage.»
«Nigeria, nay Africa and indeed the entire world, will never forget you and though we are suffering the most barbaric and relentless form of persecution today, those of us that lined up behind you during the struggle for power last year are still very proud of you.
They suffer similar forms of persecution as other hyenas but have fared better due to their ability to adapt to life in proximity to humans.
So has an immigration judge in New York City, who asked a Chinese applicant what forms of persecution the Apostle Paul perpetrated against Christians and what year Paul converted to Christianity.
I suppose ignoring a Christian is also a form of persecution?
Christians now suffer another form of persecution, this one by media sponsored hatred and the slaughter by muslims all over the world
In this modern age, the form of persecution has also evolved, but they are as much a form of persecution to stop the message from spreading.
Most atheists won't tell other people they are an atheist because bad things start happening to them in the form of persecution from Christians.
Your picture indicates men hung on a cross, for your information the form of persecution used was hanging on and fastened to a stake, orginal greek stauros, change your picture.
In 2016, estimates for the number of Christians worldwide who have suffered some form of persecution for their faith range from 200,000 to 600,000.
The real meaning of reports about Jesus» resurrection is that «God eventually vindicates the victims of all forms of persecution
Honestly, do you consider disagreeing with people and wanting to discuss that disagreement a form of persecution?
It has braved all forms of persecutions and have been standing and going strong for more than 2000 years and counting.
Critical of Mugabe, members of these groups were subject to intimidation, arrest and other forms of persecution.
To force an LGBT person to hide their sexuality in order to avoid arrest is in itself a form of persecution.
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