Sentences with phrase «form of radioactive waste»

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At present 5,900 tons of high - level waste (HLW) in the form of spent fuel assemblies are sitting in pools next to operating reactors, together with 75 million gallons of radioactive liquid waste, plus 27 million cubic feet of trans - uranic waste (TRU).
And yet, exposure occurs constantly, since radiation is released regularly from Indian Point in the form of liquid, gaseous, and solid radioactive wastes.
As a matter of regular operation, radiation is released from Indian Point in the form of liquid, gaseous, and solid radioactive wastes.
The committee pointed out that there is already a huge quantity of radioactive waste which is not in a form suitable for separation.
In 1980, Congress passed a law that made states responsible for disposal of their own wastes, but states were encouraged to form compacts to locate one low - level radioactive waste site for several states.
In particular, a relatively new form of nuclear technology could overcome the principal drawbacks of current methods — namely, worries about reactor accidents, the potential for diversion of nuclear fuel into highly destructive weapons, the management of dangerous, long - lived radioactive waste, and the depletion of global reserves of economically available uranium.
2 Fusion On Tap Plasma physicist Eric Lerner has a dream: a form of nuclear energy so clean it generates no radioactive waste, so safe it can be located in the heart of a city, and so inexpensive it provides virtually unlimited power for the dirt - cheap price of $ 60 per kilowatt — far below the $ 1,000 - per - kilowatt cost of electricity from natural gas.
One such product linked to these activities, isosaccharinic acid (ISA), causes much concern as it can react with a wide range of radionuclides — unstable and toxic elements that are formed during the production of nuclear power and make up the radioactive component of nuclear waste.
of radioactive wastes, and non-radioactive wastes from nuclear facilities S13 Hydro energy S14 Solar energy S15 Geothermal energy S16 Tidal and wave power S17 Wind energy S20 Fossil - fueled power plants S21 Specific nuclear reactors and associated plants / of pores, well formed grains and boundaries and good mechanical properties were obtained.
Once the relatively clean - running nuclear plant is online, it produces radioactive waste in the form of spent fuel rods.
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