Sentences with phrase «form of repayment»

This can be any item of value that is accepted as an alternate form of repayment in case of default.
When you have been accepted, we go over the terms of the car title loan with you and the different forms of repayment.
Student loan borrowers should consider other forms of repayment assistance, and only consider bankruptcy as a «hail mary» last resort.
We've identified some less common forms of repayment below:
Some defaulted commercial loans can be discharged appropriately under federal bankruptcy laws, whereas seeking financing through a non-lender can cause complications with a bankruptcy discharge or other forms of repayment programs.
The only stipulation is that the person providing the funds must also provide a letter stating they do not expect any form of repayment.
The majority of residents in the study were taking advantage of some form of repayment delay.
In this destructive pursuit of palm oil, native people living in these forests are also threatened — they can be forced from their homes without any form of repayment.
This means that if you fail to make repayments, your assets will not be used as a form of repayment in return.
In instances when heirs prefer to keep the home instead of selling it, they may choose another form of repayment.
Some form of repayment terms should be able to be produced when necessary.
In short, it specifies the amount they provided and asserts that they do not expect any form of repayment.
This could include some form of repayment plan or alternatively we can offer you a short term hold, known as breathing space, to give you time to review your finances or seek independent free debt advice.
There's an additional option called Chapter 11, which is a form of repayment bankruptcy, like Chapter 13, and only applies to certain creditors.
However, if you are trying to pursue a mortgage letter most places require your student loans to be in some form of repayment.
They also help you work out a form of repayment solution that is the most suited to your particular needs.
They represent a form of repayment or installment credit because you need to repay the loan in certain amounts over time, which are called installments.
For example, a Consumer Proposal is a better option for some individuals as it allows for a realistic compromise to be worked out whereby a person avoids bankruptcy, and creditors receive some form of repayment by agreeing to settle the debts at a reduced amount.
In fact, you will probably have to obtain a letter from the person (s) donating the money stating that they do not expect any form of repayment.
In instances when heirs prefer to keep the home instead of selling it, they may choose another form of repayment.
In short, it specifies the amount they provided and asserts that they do not expect any form of repayment.
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