Sentences with phrase «form of text»

Instead, the program has well organized information in form of text that helps you to clearly follow all the training and nutrition instructions provided.
Each student is given a different quote or other form of text (this could be an image or graph, for example).
But if one takes away a working knowledge of the present form of the text, a different effect is achieved.
Reading and interpreting multiple forms of texts can be a daunting task.
The community's presence is implied in the literary form of the text.
Ultimately it is important to show students how the skills they use to write a Narrative or Persuasive text in the classroom can be adapted to create other forms of text such as video blogs, speeches, advertisements, etc..
One type of such criticism has been called textual, because it aims to get back to the most authentic original form of the text, digging through the accretions and changes that came with copying and recopying.
It is thus crucial that the interpretation not focus simply on the preliterary form of the text.
Several aspects of the sermon intentionally echo the hymnic form of the text.
c) The completed form of the text is likely an exilic construction (which becomes more explicit in verses 31 ff.)
The introduction to the first volume included an extended discussions of both source criticism that seeks to describe how the text came to be and literary studies that explain how the final form of the text reads.
By recognizing the arts as powerful and relevant forms of text, students learn to read, write, and see the world — and their place in it — in new and refreshing ways.
These three programs shared the understanding that adolescents face new challenges in reading, such as grasping unfamiliar content in complex language forms and integrating diverse forms of text.
It is pleasing to know that E Reader is an open platform and supports most of the usual forms of text and images which includes PDF, TXT, ePub, HTML, RSS, BMP, PNG, and JPEG.
If you aren't familiar with Read Out, it essentially translates text into an audio file so you can listen to your messages and various other forms of text hands - free.
E-books will find their place in the market as the most disposable form of any text.
«We had so many different forms of the text that said «raise hand to start»,» recalls Sutherland.
As you said not in form of a text popup, but rather intuitively added.
He uses stencils, rather than hand - written forms of text — this establishes a boundary and keeps the work from becoming autobiographical.
Informed by a variety of sub cultural themes, including music, graffiti and illustration, Parker offers a profound visual experience beyond his intensely layered forms of text and imagery.
And Angela, interestingly for me, in describing her «spherical» understanding comes close to outlining the conception I have of a new form of text (and now I mean textbook) that, thanks to the marvels of IT, is constructed somewhat like a helix, allowing a learner to proceed between levels of sophistication as the need and interest arises.
This won't protect you from many keyloggers that monitor multiple forms of text input beyond just logging keystrokes, so it's probably not worth bothering with.
Infographic resume contains all the information and data in form of texts as well as images.
Whereas historical study tended to be concerned with the prehistory of the text (oral traditions and written source materials) and with its development through successive redactions, literary study focused on the final form of the text.
On the day of the floor crossings, Mr. Pedersen sent his statement to reporters in the form of a text message from Down Under.
Allen Wehrli, who had studied under Hermann Gunkel in Halle, taught us the vast density of the Bible's artistry, with attention to the form of the text.
It becomes clear that the interpretive project that constitutes the final form of the text is itself profoundly polyvalent, yielding no single exegetical outcome, but allowing layers and layers of fresh reading in which God's own life and character are deeply engaged and put at risk.
The form of the text, as a hymn, is somewhat suggestive.
The infidels in the time of the Prophet considered the form of the text such an extraordinary phenomenon that they used to call it magic.
Childs used critical approaches in order to gain a purchase on the final form of the text and the theological complexity it represents as the consummation of all previous interpretive efforts.
2) The various intentionalities revealed by critical method must not be correlated in such a way as to give undue priority to the final form of the text, which is only one of many, either enriching or distorting, points of view (redaction criticism).
Childs has sought to make a claim for the stability of the final form of the text that respects the critical insight into authorial diversity, yet presses beyond this toward an appreciation of the normative claims of the text in its received form.
They started as a very loose idea in the form of a text a few weeks ago, and now here they are in all their coconutty glory.
Alternatively, it would be easy enough to allow some form of text copying that would protect against piracy.
When a patient tested positive for AKI — determined by serum creatinine values — the provider and a pharmacist received an alert in the form of a text page informing them of the diagnosis and encouraging them to take appropriate steps.
Almost none of the games require reading to actually play, the little dialogue or information that's present is in the form of text... after all, many of these games were created before it was possible to include full voice samples.
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