Sentences with phrase «form someone submitted»

A financial disclosure form submitted by the governor indicated the contract for the memoir is worth at least $ 700,000.
He did not report the income on his annual financial disclosure forms submitted to the state.
Income tax forms submitted in the past two years: You should note that even though you have a copy of your income tax forms, lenders may not rely on that.
You must also keep a copy of each Driver Education Certification Request Form submitted to the registry.
Although he filed to run as an independent in the general election, he said he was not slated on the ballot after issues were raised about forms he submitted.
However an example form submitted from a previous round of applications on an older - style form can be viewed by clicking here.
He or she also collects, records and approves claim forms submitted by your creditors, the amount of which is used to access the votes received in your proposal.
Comment and suggestion forms submitted by e-mail or Internet must be signed with a digital signature from the interested party.
If there are any discrepancies between the initial forms you submit and information that may later come to light, the insurance company may use these discrepancies to deny your claim.
To provide the best possible response to completed consultation forms submitted to this web site, we may consult with attorneys outside our firm to whom your matter may be referred.
This is normally a simple process, requiring only a short beneficiary change form submitted to the insurance company.
If your customer wishes to buy farmland and take advantage of federal programs, they will need to ensure they have the right forms submitted to make the process run smoothly.
Once you have this information, give us a call for a quick free quote or submit your information on this form
EIS receives all enforcement and compliance data directly through forms submitted by FAA safety inspectors, or through additional contact or interaction.
U.S. laws regarding passport issuance require both parents» signatures on the application form submitted on behalf of a child under the age of 16.
These components are separate forms submitted with the SF - 424 (R&R) that include the cover letter file, cover letter supplement, research plan, modular budget, and checklist.
Scorecard template - based proposal form submitted by a (prospective) client (most often Excel); helps in - house counsel quickly and accurately compare bids; antithesis of Value - Based Pricing
* * Coupon code will be provided on your confirmation page once you submit this form
Exhibit 5 was Saraki's assets declaration form submitted in June 2011 at the end of his tenure as governor of Kwara State for the second term.
Rider addition can be effected on any insurance date, submit issuance by submitting a duly signed request form submitted at the nearest branch.
Valid for forms submitted up to 1 day before arrival.
These rates reflect the average over 5 years based on the most recent Annual Report Form submitted to MAERB and the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs.
RDCI's principal misrepresented his residency in a signed form submitted to the Texas Secretary of State.
And for $ 250, it offered modules to steal data from forms submitted by web browsers, or the capacity to spy on victims using remote control software from German firm Teamviewer.
You'll need to have your Business Deep Dive entry form submitted on Awards Hub by 5 pm AEST on the closing date, Tuesday 8th May 2018.
In a report (see below) given to the City Council this week, the board cited Thomas» financial disclosure forms submitted last May on which he listed his position as Amani trustee and Category F, signifying more than $ 100,001.
Safariland failed to disclose this history on the Vendex forms it submitted to do business with the city, despite specific questions on the documents about whether the company had had any recent legal troubles.
Writing in the October 29 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, the researchers report results from their review of Internal Revenue Service forms submitted by more than 1,800 nonprofit hospitals nationally.
The DAC recognizes the most recent representative form submitted by a school leader for which family members are currently serving on the DAC.
Interest forms submitted on or before February 5, 2016 at 5:00 pm will be given lottery consideration.
The claimant volunteers to share PII through a paper form submitted to their supervisor and ultimately to the WCIS specialist for entry with the goal of being compensated for their injury or illness.
This is required for «all enrolled agents, as well as all tax return preparers who are compensated for preparing, or assisting in the preparation of, all or substantially all of any U.S. federal tax return, claim for refund, or other tax form submitted to the IRS,» with a few exceptions listed by the IRS.
Multiple Data Entry Processor (MDE) A company that processes the FAFSA forms submitted by students.
Of the 3 forms received, all have been denied under the auspice of «missing information» — I did put the wrong FEIN on the first form submitted, which they rightly denied, but although it's been correct on all subsequent forms, yet they just kept denying.
Of the client experience forms submitted, on average, the professionalism, customer service, legal ability, quality of representation, response time to needs, and expectations met were rated 10.
i. the assessment or examination relates to ancillary goods or services described in section 37.2 and is contemplated by a treatment confirmation form submitted in accordance with section 37.1,
A TLDEF staffer reviews every intake form submitted and will respond to you via email on a first come, first served basis.
Unlike tracking vanity metrics like website visitors or counting forms submitted, determining real KPIs will help your law firm increase revenues and decrease marketing costs.
This site collects information that you voluntarily provide through this website including email messages you choose to send to the General Court, contact forms you submit through the Contact Us feature, information you provide through the Service Request / Reservation Form, and log - in and other information you use to customize your MyLegislature page.
You do have the right to reject the limitations on your right to sue; however it must be in writing on a no - fault rejection form submitted to the Department of Insurance.
Processed all purchase orders and expense forms submitted by internal staff and managers.
There is something to be said for not putting all your eggs in the Magic Circle basket, but at the same time not adopting a scatter gun approach with application forms submitted to the top 20 City law firms, US law firms and boutique law firms with a niche sector focus.
The seller's salesperson must keep all offers, all sign - backs (as separate offers) or all 801 forms submitted with every offer.
The decision to issue an insurance contract will be entirely the Insurer's and based on the proposal form submitted by the User.
If you know an Infant Mental Health care or related professional who speaks about a particular subject or timely issue, click to fill in and submit the form
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