Sentences with phrase «formed by prayer»

When our life in the world is formed by prayer, so will be our life in the church; when our life in relationship is formed by prayer, so will be our life alone.
In all of these ways, an existence formed by prayer is an existence that is worldly — one that is fully in the world, in solidarity with the world's cry, longing and need.
Now a word about three forms of prayer — invocation, petition and intercession — which describe both the words of prayer and the life formed by prayer.
This means, fourth, that a life formed by prayer is a life of solidarity.
A life formed by prayer, then, is a life formed by the sober truth.
A life formed by prayer is a life without blinders.

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Officious social engineers of both the right and the left abuse the public schools to promote parochial agendas, whether by sanctioning the recitation of prayers over the school loudspeaker or by the distribution of contraceptives despite parental objections, thereby undermining parental authority and impairing the ability of parents to form their own family values.
Other forms of persecution: Preventing Christians from normal livelihood, not giving space for prayer, obstructing or preventing the message from spreading by the media.
In the email, Mark basically said (going by memory here) that there was a group being formed that would serve to collectively counsel T and J, and that our prayers were asked for in that endeavor.
Jesus warned us: «Beware of practicing your piety before other people in order to be seen by them» — an admonition that applied to all forms of publicized giving, all forms of public prayer, all forms of shared self - reproach.
At Wednesday's oral arguments, the court's conservative majority appeared to have the votes to allow the public prayers to continue in some form, but both sides expressed concerns about the level of judicial and government oversight over prayers presented by members of a particular faith.
For by «mental» prayer traditional writers have intended to denote the kind of conscious relationship with God that does not require the use of words, spoken or formed.
Moved by the prayers and immense solidarity shown little Alfie Evans, I renew my appeal that the suffering of his parents may be heard and that their desire to seek new forms of treatment may be granted.
Muslims are reminded of the time for prayer by the call to prayer which is given from the minaret of the mosque in the form taught by the Prophet, «God is Most Great.
Tradition is no longer a taboo word and traditional forms of prayer are once more being rediscovered and recognised as a treasure store and a priceless patrimony handed on to us by the saints of God across the ages.
In contrast, some other prayer forms — including those shaped by the formula of the acronym ACTS (adoration, confession, thanksgiving, supplication), so popular in some traditions — may serve to balance elements of prayer, but not necessarily in a way that helps us think about the flow or connections between the elements.
RYFO is a social networking organization connecting musicians and fans by way of prayer, shelter and other forms of community.
They are forms for prayer, probably used in the temple with the guidance of a priest by persons in distress.
Prayer changes things Prayer takes many Biblical forms Prayer is talking with God Prayer can be private Prayer can be corporate Prayer can be public Prayer can be political Prayer can be formal Prayer can be casual Prayer can be in public schools Prayer is not curtailed by the words of a man Prayer is never stopped by an unbeliever Prayer changes things
We hear of fast - days on the Jewish model, but on different days, and the adoption by the Church of the Old Testament as a sacred book played a large part in forming the prayers as well as the instruction of Christians.
Any twelve Jews were allowed to form a synagogue, and, although many Christians may have continued at least for a time as members of normal Jewish synagogues (Acts 6:9, 9:29), they probably established house - synagogues of their own as well; to the usual scripture - reading and interpretation, followed by prayer and praise to God, they brought a new and special unity of purpose.
It is unlike it at several important points: (1) it is engaged in not alone but with other people, some and perhaps many of whom are likely to be strangers; (2) it is conducted by someone usually a minister or priest — and is channeled through regular forms; (3) there are appeals to the eye in the sanctuary's architecture and appointments and to the ear in music and spoken word which are not usually present in private worship; and (4) in the singing of hymns and the unison repetition of prayers and responsive readings there is opportunity for corporate vocal self - expression.
Through all the different forms of communion, and all the diversity of the means which help to produce this state, whether it be reached by a jubilee, by a general confession, by a solitary prayer and effusion, whatever in short be the place and the occasion, it is easy to recognize that it is fundamentally one state in spirit and in fruits.
The grace of God has impelled members of many Churches and ecclesial Communities, especially in the course of the present century, to strive to overcome the divisions inherited from the past and to build anew a communion of love by prayer, by repentance and by asking pardon of each other for sins of disunity past and present, by meeting in practical forms of cooperation and in theological dialogue.
In suggesting that there are two forms of civil religion, the priestly and the prophetic, Martin Marty judged that the former was exemplified in Nixon's White House worship services and alliance with Billy Graham, the latter by Senator Mark Hatfield's criticism of America's involvement in Vietnam at a presidential prayer breakfast.
Perhaps the most familiar form that the movement takes on the local level is the interdenominational observance of the World Day of Prayer on the first Friday in Lent by the women of many thousands of communities, not only of this country but in 144 countries of the world.
But even there, as recent liturgical forms show, the human desire sooner or later had to be satisfied; and in some fashion, perhaps by comprecation (that is, praying for the departed by associating them with prayers for ourselves), the realization of this «communion» had to be made available.
In a beautiful final chapter Stewart helps us understand what Cassian meant by «fiery prayer,» but he also shows how his teaching fits into the larger tradition that formed the practice of the great spiritual masters of the Christian past.
One of the benefits of secularization in this field has been that it has shown up the fact that much that has passed for Christian prayer was in fact a form of magic, by which the Christian was attempting to operate supernatural forces to bring about his own ends, however laudable they might have been.
One of the many forms of adversity comes by way of unanswered prayers.
The second consideration is that as the individual develops in his life of prayer, he will find that petition for material advantage is less and less a part of his asking, and that more and more he desires only that he may be conformed to God's Will, so that as Christ's Spirit is formed in him he is enabled to live as un autre Christ — that fine phrase which was so often used by French devotional writers in the seventeenth century.
Many of the couples are committed Christians and, as spouses enlivened by personal faith, are comfortable sharing about how prayer, spirituality and worship often form the backbone of their sacramental commitment and identity.
Similarly, our prayers for healed bodies are inhibited by the presence of nuclear warheads and warmaking everywhere, and by all forms of social injustice.
An important aspect of the law - abidingness of God's world is that human beings affect one another; hence, intercessory prayer ought to lead to the putting forth of the right stimulus upon another by conversation, letter, gift, or any other form of communication that is open.
On another note, going by what I saw yesterday, we need extra prayers for Coq, Bellarine, Sanchez, OG, Carzola and Monereal (hell I can add the whole team) to stay healthy because our so called back up's either suck or they are completely out of form and are not reliable to compete at the top level (Campbell, Debuchy, Flamini, Gibbs, I'll throw in Mert for yesterday's showing).
Traditionally used by Roman Catholics, the rosary is a form of prayer; each bead represents a
Timothy Leary's psychedelic prayers came next to mind, created as poems in the form of a manual — inspired by Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching — and encouraged to be read during psychedelic trips.
Phrases, calls and pronouncements by local vendors are transcribed in a series of hand - painted prayer mats produced in collaboration with a local artisan, forming slogans for the economic ethos of Balogun Market: «Oyinbo!!
Of these pseudo-devotional forms, the artist explains: «When I transform old Coke or beer cans found in the California desert, where they've been used for target shooting since forever, into prayer wheels, the work starts to open up to all these issues art history is always drowning in — national identity, romanticism, nature — mixed with the loss of religion, which has been replaced by an almost folkish attachment to consumer goods.»
The ride is organized by the native American environmental organization, Honor the Earth and according to executive director, Winona LaDuke, the ride is a spiritual ride and a form of prayer.
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