Sentences with phrase «former home secretary»

The Labour Party is in «bewilderment» and «emotional trauma» following its election defeat, says former home secretary David Blunkett.
This morning he was backed by former home secretary Alan Johnson, who was also seen as a possible candidate.
Many MPs, including former home secretary Jacqui Smith and current business secretary Chuka Umunna, have admitted smoking cannabis.
Liberal Democrat Simon Wright, who ousted former home secretary Charles Clarke in Norwich South, has the honour of being the MP in the Commons with the lowest share of the vote.
In a wide ranging attack, he also said former home secretary Jacqui Smith «devalued» the concept of scientific research.
«It is now receiving donations from an opaque organisation founded by the wife of a current Labour MP, which is funded by former Lib Dems and someone who runs Peter Mandelson's consultancy firm, and is headed up by former home secretary David Blunkett.»
Labour big - hitters, including former Home Secretary Alan Johnson and ex-Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, were among those who spoke in favour of bombing.
The move follows the resignation last month of former Home Secretary Amber Rudd after she mistakenly claimed immigration removal targets did not exist.
Ehoing former home secretary John Reid's declaration that the department was «not fit for purpose», Rudd stated:
However, several Labour figures have now questioned the party's strategy, including former home secretary Jack Straw, who said there should have been a stronger message about immigration.
Jacqui Smith - Labour Former home secretary, Jacqui Smith, was ousted from her Redditch seat, with a 9.2 per cent swing to the Conservatives.
The withheld files include reports of then - Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, correspondence between her office and former Home Secretary Douglas Hurd and minutes of meetings she attended.
Mr Clark's comments earned the praise of former Home Secretary Amber Rudd, who tweeted following the exchange that the Business Secretary was backing a «Brexit that protects existing jobs and future investment.»
Labour's deputy leader Tom Watson has refused to apologise for raising allegations of sex abuse against former home secretary Lord Brittan.
In London, Abbott pointed out that she was the first person to call for former home secretary Amber Rudd's resignation.
Kinnock's comments followed a stark warning from former home secretary David Blunkett, who said a Tory victory in 2015 would result in a government focused on «excluding the Labour party» and keeping it out of office «for as much as 15 years».
The so - called British Batteaxe went back in time with former home secretary Alan Johnson, who has just published his memoirs, and Michael Portillo who admitted he makes a living out of nostalgia as he spoke about heritage railways.
It came as former Home Secretary Alan Johnson and other Labour figures defended deputy leader Tom Watson after he publicly warned the party's future was at risk from a «secret deal» between the Corbyn - backing Momentum and Unite boss Len McCluskey.
Meanwhile the parliamentary sleaze watchdog has also recommended this morning that «no further action» should be taken against former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith whose case was among the first to provoke the public's fury.
Cameron and Rock have known each other for years, having worked together for former home secretary Michael Howard in the 1990s.
On the day letters are sent out to MPs raising questions over expenses claims, a report by the Commons standards and privileges committee orders former home secretary Jacqui Smith to apologise for breaching rules on second home expenses.
But regardless of rumours circulating about former home secretary Charles Clarke's dark intentions, there's unlikely to be any overt - or even covert - attempt to get rid of Gordon Brown.
Guiding light Former home secretary David Blunkett's guide dog Sadie was a much - loved companion until her sad passing last year.
Labour's former home secretary Andy Burnham is standing in Greater Manchester, and the former John Lewis store chief Andy Street is the Tory candidate in the West Midlands.
In 1997 he effectively ended John Major's political career; at the 2001 election he crushed the able William Hague; and in 2005 forced Michael Howard so far onto the back foot that the respected former Home Secretary struck few telling blows.
Cllr Little faces former Home Secretary Charles Clarke and his projected majority - over the LibDems - of 3,129.
Baroness Henig argued that incremental change was more likely to be successful than very radical reforms, as demonstrated by former home secretary Ken Clarke's reforms of the early 1990s.
The figure dwarfs former home secretary Jacqui Smith's claims that ID cards will cost individuals no more than # 30 each, unless the government intends to heavily subsidise their production.
Shadow Former Home Secretary David Blunkett told BBC News Jeremy Corbyn and his supporters should split from Labour and create a new party.
Former home secretary suffers broken rib and other injuries after being trampled on by a cow while walking in the Peak District
Former home secretary defends party's record while in office and backs Ivan Lewis's bid to be Manchester mayor
At the launch former home secretary Charles Clarke said his ambition was for the 21st Century to be dominated by progressive Labour governments.
Ms Smith joins former home secretary Charles Clarke and a number of other ministers in admitting to taking drugs before their political career.
Outspoken former Home Secretary The Rt Hon Charles Clarke MP will be delivering The Unlock Democracy Lecture today.
He had said that ecstasy was no more dangerous than riding a horse and accused former Home Secretary Jacqui Smith of «distorting and devaluing» his Council's scientific research with her decision to toughen the classification of cannabis.
Former home secretary questions ability of leader as in - fighting begins again over shadow cabinet reshuffle
Some MPs have spoken of their frustration at the handling of the affair by the leadership, in a further sign of disquiet over Miliband just three weeks after 20 shadow ministers were said to be ready to oust their leader if former home secretary Alan Johnson was willing to step in.
«Ed Miliband is facing the gravest crisis of his leadership after former Home Secretary David Blunkett warned that he was putting the «entire Labour project» at risk... Mr Miliband was last night said to have been forced into a humiliating climbdown in his battle with the union barons because he feared the loss of their vital funds.
Meanwhile former home secretary Charles Clarke has said Gordon Brown is increasingly likely to face a contest to be the next Labour leader.
Politics: Richmond is a very safe Tory seat, held by the party over a century, notably by former Foreign Secretary William Hague and former Home Secretary Leon Brittan.
The report, which saw the Met publicly name former home secretary Lord Brittan in relation to the case for the first time, outlined a timetable of the case ahead of a Commons Select Committee hearing next Wednesday.
Former home secretary John Reid warned parliament needed to reconsider the limit and Gordon Brown has not ruled out raising it to 90 days.
«Former Home Secretary Jack Straw has urged Theresa May to seek answers over the police inquiry into the so - called plebgate incident in Downing Street.
More than 30 peers have retired in the past 18 months, include theatre impresario Andrew Lloyd Webber, former deputy Labour leader Roy Hattersley and former home secretary Douglas Hurd.
The Labour former home secretary and MP for Hull West and Hessle was among the first to inform his local party members that he was standing down.
But Mr Clark was backed by former home secretary Amber Rudd, who said Mr Clark was right to argue the case «for a Brexit that protects existing jobs and future investment».
His parliamentary constituency is currently deemed a safe Labour territory, with former home secretary Alan Johnson defending a 5,700 majority from 2010, when the Conservatives finished third.
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