Sentences with phrase «former detainees»

The phrase "former detainees" refers to people who were held in custody or imprisoned in the past, but are no longer confined or detained. Full definition
It also comes on the first day of former detainee Aderonke Apata's attempt to prevent her deportation at the high court.
Akomea in mentioning one of the government's perceived mistakes cited the decision to accept two Yemeni former detainees from the Guantanamo Bay prison.
Learn from this game by Breakthrough about living conditions in U.S. immigration detention centers and watch video interviews with former detainees and family members as you play a journalist investigating the 2007 real - world death of detainee Boubacar Bah.
The report quoted former detainees who said that authorities beat them to obtain confessions and, in some cases, withheld their location from relatives.
The plaintiff, Margaret Banful, who is a former Conference Officer at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sued the AG and the Ministry of Interior and is praying the Supreme Court to declare the government's decision to host the two former detainees as unconstitutional.
Report by anti-rape campaigners, sent to all MPs, documents complaints from current and former detainees at the Bedfordshire immigration removal centre
The two former detainees Mahmmoud Omar Mohammed Bin Atef, the 36 - year - old Yemen citizen, and one of the two prisoners discharged by the United States from the Guantanamo Bay Prison to Ghana, is a one - time fighter for Osama Bin Laden, according to a December 28, 2007 report by the US Department of Defense.
It's not clear if the four suspects» visit has anything to do with the presence of the Guantanamo Bay former detainees.
Activists and former detainees gathered to call for the release of its migrants, and to show support for those inside.
Given that the prison has remained inaccessible to independent monitors and observers and that most detainees are kept in total darkness, Abu Hamdan designed «ear witness» interviews to reconstruct the conditions of the prison and its architectural plans through the acoustic memories of surviving former detainees.
Will, whose Charter case on behalf of former detainee Alvin Brown is now being decided by the Federal Court, has also seen «a lot of movement» on indefinite immigration detention in recent years.
The two former detainees from Guantanamo Bay currently being hosted in Ghana, may continue to stay in the country until the two - year contract signed between the government of Ghana and the US expires.
Text: Interview conducted by Human Rights Watch 2011 - 2012 with former detainees, including women and children, and defectors from the Syrian Military and intelligence agencies.
The Foreign Affairs Minister told Parliament that this is because the former detainees were granted refugee status under the Mahama government in July 2016.
At the time when they came to Ghana, a statement released by the then - Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hanna Tetteh, on January 6, 2015, did not explicitly state that the former detainees would necessarily have to leave the country after the agreement expired.
The Mahama - led administration is struggling to convince an increasingly doubtful Ghanaian public that the presence of the former detainees will cause no harm to the country.
The US Embassy in Ghana had in January 2016, assured Ghanaians that the presence of the two former detainees, posed no threat to the security of the country.
This follows the adoption of the report of the Foreign Affairs Committee on the request for ratification on the agreement between the Government of Ghana and the Government of the United States of America on the resettlement in Ghana of the two former detainees.
He argued that the three sector agencies namely; the Foreign Ministry, Interior Ministry and National Security had supervisory role over the former detainees «so if you [government] want to have a full picture, you would have gone to these three agencies to find out, and if you didn't find anything on record, you would have [also] invited those who were occupying these offices for more details.»
The report contains complaints from current and former detainees, collected from hundreds received by the two campaign groups during that period.
Our letter was delivered to Home Secretary, Amber Rudd MP, at the Home Office headquarters in central London by Freedom from Torture patron Lord Alf Dubs, together with Chief Executive Sonya Sceats and former detainees from Survivors Speak OUT.
No security threat — US Embassy The US Embassy in Ghana had in January 2016, assured Ghanaians that the presence of the two former detainees, posed no threat to the security of the country.
1 A declaration that on a true and proper interpretation of Article 75 of the 1992 Constitution of Ghana, the President of the Republic of Ghana, by agreeing to the transfer of Mahmud Umar Muhammad Bin Atef and Khalid Muhammad Salih Al - Dhuby (both former detainees of Gunatanamo Bay) to the Republic of Ghana, required the ratification by an Act of Parliament or a resolution of Parliament supported by the votes of more than one - half of all the members of Parliament.
According to them, former President John Dramani Mahama acted unconstitutionally in his failure to obtain the requisite ratification by an Act of Parliament or a resolution of Parliament when he agreed with the government of the US to transfer the two former detainees to Ghana.
Per the statement released at the time from the then - Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hanna Tetteh, on January 6, 2015, the government did not explicitly state that the former detainees would necessarily have to leave the country after the agreement expired.
Hajj Abdel Manan Abdel Rahman further stated that his organisation has not adopted a stance on the decision to accept the two former detainees because of the divided opinion.
The agreement with the US on the two - year stay of the former detainees expired on January 6, 2018, but government at that time did not communicate any information regarding their debatable stay.
Although the agreement for hosting the two elapsed on January 6, 2018, it later emerged that the former detainees have been given refugee status.
According to one former detainee, Viktor Fainberg, confining political activists in a mental hospital not only punished the offenders, but also discredited their ideas in the eyes of the Soviet public which, by and large, has a rather intolerant attitude to mental illness.
The students held an unveiling ceremony for the plaque in front of their principal, a handful of members from the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii, teachers, school board members, a federal judge with a personal connection to internment, a former detainee, and a few of the relatives of the individuals commemorated on the plaque.
I have read descriptions from FBI agents and former detainees: the detainee chained to the floor in a «stress position» where he can't stand up, and is soon lying in his own urine and feces.
Designed to exist in political, traumatic times, the work of the company traverses group workshops, film and live performance, and includes artists, former detainees, and academics.
With her exhibition «SOFTER», Jenny Holzer sought to correct this imbalance, foregrounding the individual testimonies of former detainees and military defectors.
Among the honourees is Robert Banno, former detainee of an interment camp for Japanese Canadians «who went on to become a lawyer and fought for justice in the case for redress,» according to the announcement.
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