Sentences with phrase «former law professor»

It is an impressive show of public service when twelve prominent and distinguished current and former law professors of well - respected schools are able to amass their collective wisdom in the course of only several days to provide their legal expertise to the Court on behalf of a criminal defendant.
LaFleur, a longtime commissioner and former chair, is considered more business friendly than Bay, a former law professor and director of FERC's enforcement office.
Former minister of public safety, health and justice in the Liberal governments of Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin and also a former law professor at the University of Alberta, Anne McLellan most recently was appointed chairwoman of the Task Force on the Legalization and Regulation of Cannabis, the panel that submitted recommendations to the federal government on the design of a new system to legalize, strictly regulate and restrict access to cannabis.
Rabbi David Saperstein, a former law professor and director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, fills a position vacant since October 2013.
On July 24, 2012, Prof Mills became the first Ghanaian leader to die in office, but with the exact cause of death withheld from the public, speculations have been rife that there may have been foul play in the former law professor's passing which occurred only six months to the 2012 polls.
And this was considered an impressive haul for the former law professor and corruption expert, who challenged New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in the Democratic primary in 2014, winning many upstate counties in and around the 19th District.
SAMUEL ATTA MILLS — THE OPPORTUNISTIC STRANGER IN KEEA On July 24, 2012, Prof Mills became the first Ghanaian leader to die in office, but with the exact cause of death withheld from the public, speculations have been rife that there may have been foul play in the former law professor's passing which occurred only six months to the 2012 polls.
Now, said James E. Ryan, the dean of the Harvard Graduate School of Education and a former law professor who has written extensively on school financing litigation, there is more consensus.
The first, Marvin Ammori, is a Harvard Law School graduate, a blogger, a former law professor, and a TEDx speaker.
You can have mentors from other businesses or mentors that are family members, former law professors, or friends.
He is a former law professor, applied researcher, and thought leader on practice management issues for law firms.
Our former law professor and mentor is just down the hall!
He is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers and a former law professor.
John G. Kelly is a former law professor, applied researcher and thought leader on practice management issues for law firms.
Former law professor and big defense firm lawyer.
So I am a former law professor who will give you my best assessment of the strengths and any potential weaknesses in your case.
The decision was made by a senior judge of the Ontario court, sitting on the specialized Commercial List, Mr. Justice Cumming (now retired), a former law professor at Osgoode Hall Law School.
One of Canada's most experienced mediators, George Adams is a former law professor, agency head and superior court judge.
Miller, a former law professor at Western University, has been vocal about what he perceives as an attack on those who reject same - sex marriage in Canada.
In an article in the Toronto Star, titled Russell Brown doesn't belong on the Supreme Court, a former law professor attacks Justice Brown based on two main themes: 1) He is not a liberal, so he can't be a good judge.
A former law professor denied tenure at the University of British Columbia has launched a human rights complaint against the school, alleging it discriminated against her.
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