Sentences with phrase «former political rivals»

As in his of his ads, Cuomo claims he's gotten «Democrats and Republicans to work together» as a photo of the governor along with former political rivals George Pataki and Carl McCall is seen.
Former political rivals George Pataki and Mario Cuomo would talk on the phone from time to time, sometimes commiserating on the difficult job of being governor of New York.
Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Thursday she would endorse former political rival Scott Brown for Veteran Affairs secretary, surprising many who knew the pair as bitter campaign rivals.
GEORGE Osborne has teamed up with former political rivals Ed Balls and Vince Cable to warn about the dangers of Brexit.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is appointing a new tax cutting commission that includes former political rivals.
Dupre is a far sight more generous in her praise than Spitzer, who not long ago called Cuomo «the dirtiest, nastiest political player out there» on national TV, but also said he'll be voting for his former political rival anyway.
Calling on some former political rivals, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo today announced the formation of a Tax Relief Commission.
BROOKLYN — A former political rival to Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson who later became a high - ranking official in his office quit after being accused of sexually harassing a prosecutor who worked for him, DNAinfo New York has learned.
Going back even further, Soares got caught up in the Troopergate scandal that really blew up when Cuomo issued a scathing report on the actions by his former political rival, ex-Gov.
[VV] • Air America's Mark Green (a former political rival of Bloomberg's) calls the move «an antidemocratic, self - dealing power grab.»
Former Governor George E. Pataki, a Republican who thwarted Cuomo's fourth - term aspirations in 1994, spoke of his former political rival with admiration.
Speaking at an event in Westchester County, the Democratic governor announced a new tax commission that will be co-chaired by two of his former political rivals: former comptroller Carl McCall and former governor George Pataki.
Cuomo questioned the idea of permanently extending mayoral control, saying a temporary renewal is sufficient, as he sat beside de Blasio's former political rival, Christine Quinn, who now serves as a «special advisor» to the governor after losing the Democratic mayoral primary to de Blasio in 2013.
The twists come fast and furious as both Will's and Wendy's sides play dirty and for keeps — and it gets especially personal when Alicia (Julianna Margulies) is called to the stand, being caught in the middle because her estranged husband Peter (Chris Noth) is the one who appointed Wendy, his former political rival, in the first place.
Newly elected New York City mayor Bill de Blasio moved to rein in the Success Academy charters run by his former political rival, Eva Moskowitz, by cancelling agreements that enabled charter schools to operate within district school buildings.
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