Sentences with phrase «former senior adviser»

The company was funded by Trump supporter and hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and the president's former senior adviser Stephen K. Bannon once sat on its board.
The big donors include actors Steve Buscemi and Cynthia Nixon, designer Diane von Furstenberg, composer Jonathan Scheffer, de Blasio's former communications director Karen Hinton, who left City Hall last year, and former senior adviser Peter Ragone, who left in 2015.
That's why some of the nation's most prominent Democratic economists, including former senior advisers to President Obama, have pointedly refused to endorse Sanders» call for a $ 15 national minimum.
Former senior adviser bows to outraged constituents and announces he will stand down at the general election
Among the speakers at the event was Jacqueline Jones, president of the Foundation for Child Development and former senior adviser on early learning to U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.
Cambridge Analytica — which was funded by Trump supporter and hedge fund executive Robert Mercer, and once had on its board the president's former senior adviser Stephen K. Bannon — has denied wrongdoing.
The former senior adviser and Deputy Chief of Staff to US President George W. Bush has no interest in being diplomatic as we sit on a pristine white sofa inside the Mystetskyi Arsenal in central Kyiv, Ukraine's capital city.
Democratic strategist David Axelrod, a former senior adviser to former President Barack Obama, participated in the discussion.
The former senior adviser to President Barack Obama is the newest director of 2U, a technology partner helping top universities — including Harvard, Yale, and Georgetown — bring their master's degree programs online.
Adam Taylor, a trade consultant at Ensight Canada and former senior adviser to Conservative trade minister Ed Fast, said the TPP is dead in its current form if the U.S. withdraws.
An early May misguided assumption was first noted by Steward Wood, a former senior adviser to Gordon Brown at the Treasury.
More mischievously, former senior advisers to the shadow cabinet were looking at ways they could quickly hang John McDonnell by his own petard, way before George Osborne, sensibly playing a longer game, could get his own dirty hands on him.
If the rising liberal tide and focus on income inequality continues, however, Wilson might have a hard time appealing to Democrats and independents, though he could focus on his bipartisan pedigree as a former senior adviser to President Obama's Task Force on the Auto Industry.
Barack Obama's former senior adviser has hit out at the partisan nature of the British press, calling it more powerful than Fox News.
Shortly after noon Thursday — while Mayor Bill de Blasio was in the Bronx to tell the public how to stay cool during a heat wave — his former senior adviser, Peter Ragone, walked down the steps of City Hall and headed west toward Broadway.
Cambridge Analytica — which was funded by Trump supporter and hedge fund executive Robert Mercer, and once had on its board the president's former senior adviser Stephen K. Bannon — has denied wrongdoing.
Jarrett, the former senior adviser to the president, joins the panel as an independent...
Michael Caputo, a former senior adviser to the Trump campaign, predicted on CNN that Mueller's team would next try to «jam» Roger Stone, a longtime Trump adviser and confidant known for incendiary and sometimes conspiratorial claims.
Favourites for the nomination include North West MEP, Afzal Khan, a former Lord Mayor of Manchester and local councillor Mike Amesbury, a former senior adviser to Shadow Education Secretary Angela Rayner.
In such applications, hypersonic technology could be important for the war on terror: According to Richard Hallion, who once served as the Air Force's historian and is a former senior adviser for «counterintelligence and special programs oversight,» hypersonics could result in a missile capable of reaching its quarry before it has a chance to escape.
07, Ed.D.» 14,, a former senior adviser to Congressman George Miller (D - CA).
«The nation has gone nowhere since 2009,» said Sandy Kress, former senior adviser to President George W. Bush and an architect of the now - scrapped federal No Child Left Behind Act, which held states to strict achievement and testing standards.
Games for Change, a nonprofit group advocating video games for social impact, has announced three new board members, including Mark DeLoura, a former senior adviser at the White House.
The company was funded by Trump supporter and hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, and the president's former senior adviser Stephen K. Bannon once sat on its board.
Cambridge Analytica — which was funded by Trump supporter and hedge fund executive Robert Mercer, and once had on its board the president's former senior adviser Stephen K. Bannon — has denied wrongdoing.
On this episode of Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher, Valerie Jarrett, a former senior adviser to President Obama, joins Swisher onstage at South By Southwest 2018.
Cambridge Analytica - which was funded by Trump supporter and hedge fund executive Robert Mercer, and once had on its board the president's former senior adviser Stephen Bannon - has denied wrongdoing.
A panel features James Bennet of The New York Times, Sarah Westwood of The Washington Examiner and Dan Pfeiffer, former senior adviser to Obama.
Later in the day, David Plouffe, former senior adviser to President Barack Obama who now serves as chief adviser for Uber, said he was betting on Clinton to win the White House and the Republican - controlled Senate to turn Democrat by a narrow margin.
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