Sentences with phrase «former strongholds»

The phrase "former strongholds" refers to places or positions that used to be strong, influential, or powerful, but are no longer. Full definition
Following election defeats in former strongholds including Glasgow East, ministers are under growing pressure from Labour MPs to adopt policies that will appeal to the party's core vote.
He started sprinting as a boy in the parish of Trelawny, tucked deep in Jamaica's Cockpit Country, a sugar - farming area that was the former stronghold of the Maroons, Jamaica's 18th century freedom fighters who resisted British slavers.
The former stronghold of the Puritans and the Unitarians, now dominated by the Roman Catholics, was anxiously awaiting the arrival of J. Wilbur Chapman and the gospel singer Charles Alexander.
Then comes the count, always a «grim night» for the governing party on which it loses «swaths» of seats in «former strongholds», despite claims that its vote is «holding up well» in much of the country — though clearly less so in places that are «difficult territory for us».
In that election, Labour easily took back all of the former strongholds they lost to Plaid Cymru at the height of Alun Michael's unpopularity in 1999.
The county also possesses a long and rich history: a former stronghold of the Roman Empire, Northumberland was subsequently the scene of centuries of skirmishes between England and Scotland.
But elsewhere in Asia, work is moving ahead to turn another area more associated with conflict than conservation into a sanctuary for at - risk elephants.A year and a half after Sri Lanka's quarter - century civil war ended, officials have announced plans to use more than 100,000 acres of jungle — the former stronghold of the Tamil Tigers separatists — to help protect wildlife, The Guardian reported today.
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