Sentences with phrase «formulations of»

This is accompanied by a refusal to allow distinct local formulations of the good news in Christ to be reduced or conformed to a single paradigmatic perspective shaped elsewhere.
Clearly, he meant that if Christian faith and experience are true — as he believed them to be — they can not be merely local, isolated, shut in by boundaries of race or special formulations of religion.
He memorizes from an English translation, unperturbed by Mina's other less - than - orthodox formulations of the faith, as when she assures him he needn't always utter «peace be upon him» after invoking the name of the Prophet, because, as «with everything in life, Hayat, it's the intention that matters.»
Thus Cyril C. Richardson has criticized the classical formulations of the Trinity as imposing an arbitrary «threeness» upon our theological thinking, and proposes instead a basic twofold distinction between God as Absolute and God as Related.1 This is for Richardson a basic paradox, an apparent self - contradiction, for if we try to bring these aspects into relationship, we compromise God's absoluteness.2 Charles Hartshorne accepts this same twofold distinction, but he removes the contradictory element by understanding it in terms of the abstract and concrete dimensions of God's nature and experience.3
The traditional formulations of doctrine, then, are not irreformable.
The mistake consists in supposing that formulations of this kind are either directly revealed by God or composed out of divinely guaranteed statements in creeds or scripture, and that they are therefore perfect, inerrant and unchangeable: and therefore that man's salvation turns on whether or not he assents to them.
I want to say something about the way in which reflection upon Jesus» own faith in God led to the historic formulations of orthodox Christianity, and why these doctrinal constructions are important, both because of what they positively affirm and because we can not revise or replace them unless we understand what they were intended to do.
[26] The ecumenical movement has taken seriously the meaning of the Apostolic Faith in today's context, [27] especially as it is related to the ecumenical significance of the creedal formulations of the Church.
But formulations of belief do matter profoundly.
These widely accepted formulations of the essential «right doctrine» (orthodoxy) handed down from the apostles were crucial for combating heresy.
As such it tends to be opposed to legalistic ethics, to heteronomous formulations of God's relation to man, to absolutistic theisms.
Witness, for example, the tortuous history that culminated in the Nicene Creed or in the formulations of the Council of Chalcedon.
I will show that Whiteheadian panexperientialism concurs with physicalism as portrayed by Kim on most of its basic points, although the two positions give somewhat different formulations of the various underlying intuitions.
That sojourn at divinity school also contributed to Lewis's masterful examination, in The Lure of God (LG) of the biblical grounding of, and justification for, many of the otherwise presumably nonclassical, neo-classical, or anti-traditional formulations of theism offered by Whitehead, Hartshorne, and other process philosophers.1
This is especially true of the intellectuals for whom many traditional theological formulations of revelation have been deeply unsatisfying.
Beyond this, Gutiérrez's observation, along with converging insights of other liberation theologians, has led me to realize that the ideology involved in the traditional formulations of faith's claims is as much a problem as the mythology they involve in establishing their credibility to contemporary men and women.
In the second and possibly better of two formulations of this argument, he reasoned as follows: Since a being greater than God is by definition inconceivable, and since a being whose nonexistence is inconceivable is greater than a being whose nonexistence is conceivable, therefore, God must be a being whose nonexistence is inconceivable.
As a teacher for most of my life I know the pain of the youth who discovers that the simplistic formulations of the faith into which he or she was initiated are no longer credible.
Such a concern is echoed by those who point out that the inadequacies of several classical formulations of the significance of the person and work of Christ did not take into account the social setting and the political implications of the ministry of Jesus.
«Speculative philosophy,» writes Whitehead, «is the endeavor to frame a coherent, logical, necessary system of general ideas in terms of which every element in our experience can be interpreted,» but they «are not dogmatic assertions of the obvious; they are tentative formulations of the ultimate generalities.»
This is remarkably different from certain earlier formulations of the Roman Catholic doctrine on this point, where faith was considered only the beginning and root of justification.
This is how the formulations of the councils came about.
* Regarding the councils and their formulations of doctrine there is much to say.
While these formulations of divine persuasive power and relational power are not without problems for some feminists, they do represent alternatives to coercive, hierarchical power patterns and are suggestive of feminist reformulations of power in the context of mutuality.
Barr goes even further than I would to suggest, and apparently defend, a noninerrancy doctrine of «verbal inspiration» that attempts to overcome the «dictation» ideas implicit in the fundamentalist formulations of inspiration.
Though Hartshorne has never given a great deal of attention in his writings to concrete religious phenomena, he has always been concerned about the religious significance of his work, He advocates the neoclassical conception of God partly because he believes it is more in keeping with religious experience than classical formulations of either theism or pantheism.
The usual formulations of utilitarianism assume an individualism that in principle works against the common good.
The chief argument that Whitehead had not drawn pansubjectivist conclusions at the time of the Lowell Lectures lies in the explicit formulations of his metaphysical position within those lectures.
There is a long history of unhelpful formulations of what that notion might mean.
The exact nature of a theology of abandonment on the cross could do with clarification, in view of the extreme formulations of some contemporary theologies (which introduce distance and division into the Trinity), and bearing in mind that the cry of abandonment is a quotation from Psalm 21, a psalm of trust in God.
Invariably the principles of the canonical law in all of these ecclesiastical bodies are derived from basic theological formulations of religious insights, and invariably there is a considerable margin for the interpretation of these principles.
One little recognized factor in the usual formulations of Christology is a certain assumption about the meaning of the word man.
To make absolute claims regarding such doctrinal statements gives too much weight to specific formulations of doctrine.
What this means is often seen more sharply in the interpretations that have been rejected than in the positive formulations of orthodox dogma.
Third, the classical and official formulations of Christian belief constitute an intellectual obstacle of no mean proportions.
In a recent interview in Sojourners, Jim Wallis asked Carl Henry, «Are there inherent things in particular formulations of evangelical theology that are resistant to fundamental change in the social order?
Seen in this light, the differing formulations of social ethics within the evangelical community are highly predictable, as predictable as the clashing once was between Richard Nixon and Pat Brown.
He solved it, or got round it, in the way philosophers and scientists have always been obliged to do — by the use of neologisms and, at times, of elaborate, allusive formulations of words which make considerable demands on the reader if their full meaning and implications are to be grasped.
For Niebuhr, Christ was utterly important, but he had no interest in the classical formulations of the doctrine of Christ.
Such conversion may well lead one to institutional affiliation with others of similar intention and to the use of certain verbal formulations of faith, since the inward reorientation needs some social and symbolic embodiment.
In most instances, we can find individual Christian thinkers who have analyzed the problems and have proposed new formulations of Christian doctrine that carry through the needed repentance.
They were more committed to responsible openness than to unchanging formulations of the gospel.
For this reason, among others, the faith is presented as adherence to a set of formulations of doctrine rather than a following of the moral teaching of Jesus that God is love and calls us to love one another.
The Roman and the Greek Orthodox churches were estranged from each other and excommunicated each other in 1054 due to differences in their dogmatic formulations of the Christian faith.
But it is this experience, too, which probably caused Buber to reject his earlier monistic formulations of an already existing unity which only needs to be discovered for a later emphasis on the necessity of realizing unity in the world through genuine and fulfilled life.
Because the Trinity is a living reality that embraces us, and no mere abstract doctrine, we are not bound by the liturgical formulations of the past.
But Christians have always rejected the passivism that could arise from some formulations of this knowledge.
It may misrepresent my views in some ways, but I believe it shows how close my Christian vision is to some formulations of Pure Land Buddhism.
In the light of that chapter, the sentence should be interpreted to conform with Whitehead's other careful formulations of the extensive continuum.
Q.: Proponents of triage and lifeboat ethics have responded to criticisms by advancing several formulations of an argument based upon biological need.
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