Sentences with phrase «forward into»

You perform this stretch by assuming the position, and then driving your knee into the ground and leaning forward into a deep stretch, and then releasing.
Lean forward into a push up position with your hands around 8 inches from the wall.
Swing right leg forward into a low lunge between hands, Come up a little on your fingers.
Exhale and bend forward into a standing forward bend, then inhale and raise your left leg parallel to the floor and press the left sole against the wall.
Move your shoulder blades forward into the chest, inhale, and revolve your chest toward the ceiling.
From here, roll forward into a forearm plank.
Plank: Shift forward into a plank position, with palms directly below the shoulders.
Take a long step forward into a lunge position with your thigh at 90 degrees, parallel to the floor.
Each time you come up from the lunge, bring your back foot forward into a high knee like I am.
On an inhale, crawl your hands toward your right foot and turn your right foot forward into a low lunge with your right knee over your ankle.
Hold your weighted objects at your sides and step forward into a lunge, keeping your core engaged, shoulders back and chest up.
Lift your other leg and hinge forward into a SL Deadlift, using the form tips above.
Bring the hand back to its starting position as you shift your body forward into plank and then shoot the hips right back up, this time pressing into your right hand as you reach your left hand across your body to touch the right ankle.
From Downward Dog, shift forward into plank and bring the thighs down onto the ground.
Are you walking around the world, stepping forward into your greatness?
How to: Holding a medicine ball in your hands, elbows by your sides, take one large step forward into a lunge position.
Holding a medicine ball in your hands, elbows by your sides, take one large step forward into a lunge position.
Jump forward into squat; jump high, arms reaching up.
Without pausing, alternate legs, bringing your opposite leg forward into a lunge position.
When you slip into a pair of high heels, Dr. Splichal says, your feet slide forward into the shoe.
It's just a matter of time — minutes rather than hours — before the upper back begins to round forward into a slumping position.
Holding a medicine ball out in front of you, step forward into a lunge with the right leg.
But know that her message won't necessarily stop you from moving forward into the adventure of the unknown.
Warrior I (Right Side): From downward - facing dog, step your right foot forward into a lunge and swivel your left heel down to the mat to come up into a warrior I pose with the arms reaching up overhead.
Step both feet back into a plank, then bring one foot forward into a lunge.
Static Lunge with Dumbbell Rotations Step your left leg forward into a lunge with both knees at a 90 - degree angle.
Keep torso upright and press forward into the hips.
Bend the knees, take hold of the ankles, moving the shins back, the chest lifting forward into bow pose.
Every happy person has felt that same fear but courageously stepped forward into the unknown.
Take a long step forward into a lunge position, keeping your back leg straight.
Ultimately we have to move forward into human studies, called clinical trials.
The NASA Administrator has committed to making the changes necessary to resolve this situation and to ensuring that these barriers are removed going forward into 2015.»
A series of six cell culture assays was designed to mimic multiple old - age - associated pathways of central nervous system (CNS) nerve cell damage, and drug candidates were required to show efficacy in all of these assays before being moved forward into animals.
In technology transfer circles, there is a phase — between when a technology is promising and when it moves forward into commercialization — known as the «valley of death,» beyond which many technologies never advance.
If the candidate does not meet these criteria - for example, if it is determined to be ineffective in the target population or if it requires more doses than were predetermined in the TPP - then it will not move forward into later stage trials.
While translational research has traditionally moved basic immunology knowledge forward into clinical application, varying clinical presentations of human immune - related disease processes, as well as variability in therapeutic outcomes, have provided opportunities for discovery of novel mechanistic hypotheses directly from patients.
Biotech is rocketing forward into areas that impact life at the most fundamental and basic levels.
R&D has always been at the heart of our nuclear business and something that we are carrying forward into the future.
We want to make sure that we are anticipating and leaning forward into making sure we've got the best possible response to what is going to be a big and messy system.»
If this new technology proves effective, it will be taken forward into clinical practice through the North West Coast Academic Health Science Network (AHSN), for which Professor Goodacre is medical director.
Why do we press forward into the unknown?
If we can stand up to him, all Europe may be freed and the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands.
«It's a pleasure to be part of such a unique, transformative project, particularly as it moves forward into the next few stages of development,» she said.
But you could say it reverses front and back: Imagine walking straight forward into your reflection, matching head to head, feet to feet, hands to hands, and heart to heart.
Neurons do more than just relay signals forward into the brain.
THEN AND NOW Words from ancient languages, such as those on this approximately 3,600 - year - old Egyptian papyrus, have transformed and carried forward into modern languages.
What if we can use both our science and our faith to move forward into an increasingly uncertain future?
Severance said this mission would be the biggest communications challenge moving forward into the next several years.
«But the mechanics of getting that into the NASA budget, funded and moving forward into a real procurement are unclear.»
Some fish species still have a set of vestigial teeth in their throat, but pharyngeal teeth for the most part are believed to have migrated forward into the mouth, perhaps as the jaw was evolving.
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