Sentences with phrase «fossil fuel substitution»

We will gradually reduce carbon use (hopefully more quickly than CERES suggests) through a combination of fossil fuel substitution, increased carbon / energy efficiency and lifestyle changes.
So, GO renewables and fossil fuel substitution!
Earlier academic studies analyzed fossil fuel substitution, largely between natural gas and petroleum, during the period of the 1980s and 1990s.

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Furthermore, some substitution of human labor for fossil fuels absorbs unemployed workers.
Biological options - Biological options for mitigation of climate change involve one or more of the three strategies: conservation - conserving an existing carbon pool, thereby preventing CO2 emissions to the atmosphere; sequestration — increasing the size of existing carbon pools, thereby extracting CO2 from the atmosphere; substitution - substituting biomass for fossil fuels or energy - intensive products, thereby reducing CO2 emissions.
Cost advantages of hydropower based electricity generation and the substitution of fossil fuel based power production in an attempt to reduce carbon emission is expected to drive global hydropower market demand.
A review of other studies shows that PRB specific policies will result in net savings to CO2 emissions despite some substitution with fossil fuels from other sources.
Policies to increase the substitution of fossil fuels with bioenergy have also had a large positive impact on net emissions.
Cost advantages of hydropower based electricity generation and the substitution of fossil fuel based power production in an attempt to reduce carbon emission is expected to drive market demand.
Besides the EPA regulations attempting to impose the substitution of «green» energy for fossil fuels, the one constant has been the demand for government and ratepayer subsidies for all these schemes.
These changes make the very costly policy changes pushed by the environmental left to force substitution of wind and solar power for fossil fuels even more ridiculous than they already were and doom their movement sooner or later.
That doesn't happen so much if people reduce fossil - fuel demand over the next few decades via efficiency and substitution of other energy sources, which doesn't happen overnight.
Specifically, the ECA results confirm the substitution effect between the installed capacity of solar PV and fossil fuels.
The introduction of supply side technologies can not provide the emissions reductions required to avoid the climate Apocalypse; severe personal restrictions on fossil fuel use over and above the emissions reductions provided by the technology substitutions are required.
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