Sentences with phrase «fossile fuels»

"Fossil fuels" are natural resources that are formed over millions of years from the remains of plants and animals. Examples of fossil fuels include coal, oil, and natural gas. Full definition
According to natural laws, in this increase of CO2 content in atmosphere there is only about 4 % anthropogenic CO2 caused by fossile fuels.
Digging earth pollute the ecosystem, the emission from fossile fuel power plants make people get sick.
Fossile Fuel company top executives: «My company, I get lots of money (and want more), even if I believed that it is not in my personal interest.
Take away fossile fuel, go low carbon economy is historic trend.
In the former case we were afraid we'd run out of fossile fuels too soon and the latter that we'll not run out of them soon enough.
Is it even possible with todays usage of fossile fuel versus energy needed?
The real world will see dramatic downturns of usable fossile fuels somewhere in the foreseeable future.
What hubris to think that there will be enough easy fossile fuel to burn to actually reach that.
Speak Softly & Carry A Big Turbine For at least a decade, China has been perceived as unwilling to commit to Kyoto emission reduction goals, a perception reinforced by the respective governments of the US, Canada, and Australia, and climate «deniers» supported by vested fossile fuel interests.
· More generally, multilateral development banks still fund dirty projects (fossile fuel related) with 4 times more money than green projects.
'' You see that already influence of the CO2 emissions from fossile fuels on the recent increase of CO2 content in atmosphere is minimal.
As this pace, if American keep it's SUV, keep it's fossile fuel industries, Amecrica will fall down later than other countries.
Now add further CO2 generated by burning of fossile fuels...
For that reason, CO2 from fossile fuels is not a feedback, but a forcing.
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