Sentences with phrase «foster corporate cultures»

It is up to companies to foster corporate cultures that fight generational stereotypes by providing opportunities for workers of all generations to work together and learn from each other.
- 26 January 2009 - Fifteen leading corporate law firms from around the world will participate in a UN-led effort to identify whether and how national corporate law principles and practices currently foster corporate cultures respectful of human rights.
John Ruggie, UN Secretary - General's Special Representative for Business and Human Rights, has announced a study involving 15 corporate law firms from around the world «to identify whether and how national corporate law principles and practices currently foster corporate cultures respectful of human rights.»
If you foster a corporate culture of waiting for someone else to solve problems, the company will suffer the consequences.
Last month, WestJet Airlines filed an appeal after the Supreme Court of British Columbia refused to throw out a proposed class - action lawsuit accusing the company of fostering a corporate culture that tolerates harassment against female employees.
When a company fosters a corporate culture of greed, and places money above all else, is it a wonder when illegal conduct emerges?

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3) What kind of corporate culture have you fostered, and how will that culture push people one way or the other in such situations?
No rival oil explorers operate with quite the same corporate culture or long - term view that the direct descendant of John D. Rockefeller's Standard Oil has fostered among its executive class.
He had tried to foster a positive, creative vibe at Alteon and had adopted the phrase «brutal intellectual honesty» as a rallying cry for the corporate culture.
Tony Hsieh, the CEO of Zappos, the online shoe retailer with over $ 1 billion in sales, fosters fun and friendships as part of his corporate culture.
The case was expanded this month to allege that the startup's chief executive «fosters a sexually charged corporate culture that condones unlawful conduct,» and deters victims from speaking out.
Lundy says this quick turnaround from business proposal to operating restaurant is fostered by a corporate culture that resembles a family more than a bureaucracy.
Chinese corporate culture is fostered through mission statements, choirs, talent shows and in - house magazines to which employees regularly contribute writing and artwork.
This fosters a sense of organizational pride and familiarity, which is an essential part of a corporate eLearning culture.
Overall, whilst you may not have the training budget of a large corporate, you can utilise the people resources you have within your business to upskill and mentor others, fostering a culture of lifelong learning which your employees want to stay a part of.
Gordon strives to foster positive corporate culture and empower young minds.
• Performed overall management development and fostered a positive work environment focused on corporate culture and companywide project development with emphasis on teamwork and group think.
Corporate leaders say they want employees who take on extra initiative for improving the company, but they do little to foster a culture that empowers and rewards employees for doing so.
Dedicated to fostering relationships with employees to improve employee relations and engagement, fostering a positive working environment and corporate culture.
Align practical risk mitigation with business objectives and foster a risk - conscious corporate culture.
Aligns practical risk mitigation with agency objectives and fosters a risk - conscious corporate culture.
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