Sentences with phrase «fosters cultural awareness»

The Board of Trustees recognizes that diversity in the academic environment fosters cultural awareness, promotes mutual understanding and respect, and provides suitable role models for all students.

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The World Tourism Day is to foster awareness on the importance of tourism and its social, cultural, political and economic value.
But in the process, let's use these eLearning tools to provide an education that fosters cultural understanding and global awareness.
As one of the organizations backing bilingual education, for example, the New York State Association for Bilingual Education maintains it is important to foster «the awareness and appreciation of biculturalism and bilingualism as an integral part of cultural pluralism in our society.»
As such, we hope you'll join us in fostering an environment that enhances awareness, aids in innovation, contributes to personal development, and promotes increased cultural understanding.
Importantly, these activities not only foster social skills and social connections, but also lead to increased exposure to the arts, cultural awareness, and opportunities for career exploration.
Training Opportunities for Cultural Responsiveness and Awareness (TOCRA): Final Report Gooden & Barkdull (2002) View Abstract This program focused on the development of culturally appropriate foster parent recruitment and training, wraparound service coordination, family support services, and compliance with the Indian Child Welfare Act to improve foster care and preservation services for Native American families.
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