Sentences with phrase «fought over the canvas»

The power struggles are fought over the canvas, over the territory, on the same terrain, in a manner prior to physical borders and specific contours.

Not exact matches

In London against Nigel Benn, McClellan didn't quit either, though the fight ended with him bending one knee to the canvas and the referee counting to 10; no, against Benn, McClellan fought until his brain was bleeding — until he walked back to his corner and collapsed, a blood clot growing inside his skull that would soon spark a renewed debate over the morality of prizefighting.
Instead of fighting over pickled sharks or macabre canvases, the European and Asian new rich here have far more conservative taste, gravitating toward instantly recognizable names and softer images.
Julia Rommel's paintings seem to highlight their frames, having been stretched many times over during their creation, whereas in truth the main bodies of the canvas are often intensely wrought through a process of layering and erasure that she likens to a fight: «I've found myself taking elaborate steps to keep my own signature away.
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