Sentences with phrase «found on any other continent»

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The company will find the going harder in APAC than in some other markets, where the prevalence and acceptance of electronic payments outstrip prevailing attitudes on other continents: mainly the Americas, but also parts of Europe.
I will say that it's very interesting though that civilizations that had zero contact with each other and on opposite continents found the desire to worship «god (s)» in similar fashions.
actually many pagans survived and went underground and also in places where the reaches of the catholic church did not get For example a whole other half Europe two whole continents on the other side of the ocean etc Paganism was driven into near extinction by it's brother religion that came from the same roots but it was not at all eradicated The irony find is Christians were persecuted by the Roman empire before the rule of Constantine and then during the burning times persecuted witches and pagans (aswell as non-pagans for corrupted reasons) An oximoron and hypocritical religion
Much of what I saw was peculiar, but not so different from what you might find on the South American continent or on other tropical islands.
Even if we find a way of generating the electricity, you've got to transport that energy from the deserts, where people don't live, to other places on the continents where they do live, and you've got to shift the time when the energy is available.
Meltzer's research team found that nearly all sediment layers purported to be from the Ice Age at 29 sites in North America and on three other continents are actually either much younger or much older.
Based on these findings, Postels said educating the African population and other areas that have similar beliefs is crucial in treating the disease since it's estimated that malaria kills a child on the continent every minute.
«One of the most surprising finds was that 125,000 years ago, the average body size of mammals on Africa was already 50 percent smaller than on other continents,» said Smith, a professor in the UNM Department of Biology who has studied megafauna extinction for more than 15 years.
People from other continents, who like or who are interested in the culture of Ukraine, can find out more about it on this site.
We'll help you find your second half even if she's on the other continent.
Other shows can be found on every continent but Antarctica.
Still, we had no problem finding graduates on the other six continents.
Native to Europe, the fungus is found across North America and on other continents.
Therefore, after the first two editions of Àsìkò, which were held in Lagos, we recognized that we had to find ways of engaging other regions on the continent.
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