Sentences with phrase «found vocation»

He first found his vocation in high school, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where his Russian immigrant parents had moved the family from his birthplace, Brooklyn.
Liz, as she preferred being called, found her vocation at a young age.
Brown had found his vocation, and for the next 15 years the Joseph Brown Gallery held numerous survey exhibitions of historical, modern and contemporary art, as well as solo exhibitions by Australia's most prominent artists.
I'm happy that I found my vocation.
He says he has now found his vocation, helping entrepreneurs use science and technology to benefit underserved populations.
In 1973, at the age of 42, after the premature death of her husband, Chiara found her vocation as a Franciscan nun and exchanged her riding breeches for a life of poverty, chastity and obedience.
tells the story of a young man who (as a friend put it) seems to have found his vocation in a way most people never do, and it's a vocation he can be proud of.
As it turned out, I found my vocation — as a writer.
The reason for this, I'm convinced, is that new faculty — though very smart and well read (and probably better educated than most of their senior colleagues), though religiously observant and already experienced in teaching, though flexible, open and good - humored — have not found a vocation, do not know what purpose they want to serve.
During this prayer vigil, I urge you to ask God to help you find your vocation... The Lord calls many people to marriage, in which a man and a woman, in becoming one flesh (cf.Gen 2:24), find fulfilment in a profound life of communion.
What they share is a desire to find a vocation that draws upon all their abilities and talents and gives them room to apply those talents in service to improving our world.
As with other superheroes, he finds his vocation among his secret, own kind.
The following are just some of the keywords and phrases embedded in that title: «find your vocation»; «find your career»; «find your purpose»; «find a job»; «find a job you love»; «a career you love»; «getting a job»; «how to find a job»....
Each Fresher is having intense time finding a vocation they truly need.

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After graduating, he designed call centre applications for insurance companies, but found that to be a boring vocation even if it did pay well.
Nino had found refuge at the American Enterprise Institute before returning to his real vocation as a teacher, this time at the law school of the University of Chicago.
I'd want to show you my email inbox, stuffed with testimonies from other saints who are finding their voice and their vocation and their God.
I'm happy you found your way to your true vocation and I'm sure you'll make plenty of difference in your new role.
Over at iMonk last week, Chaplain Mike wrote a lovely post about how, after a period of wandering through the denominational wilderness, he found a home in an ELCA Lutheran church «with a simple liturgy, wonderful music, a healthy and grounded pastor, a hospitable congregation, and an emphasis on Christ, grace, vocation, and other Lutheran essentials that answered questions I had been turning over in my mind for years in my evangelical settings.»
The only way to find the courage, and the strength, and have the hope to fulfill our vocation in life is to rely on the grace of the one who called us to that vocation.
Backward, it assumes a Christian community that comes to church not solely to feel better but also to find its Christian duty and vocation.
These chains and locally owned stores, found all over the country, are usually run by people who think of their work as a real vocation.
Despite itself Israel is climbing Calvary, side by side with Christians — whose vocation concerns the kingdom of God more than the temporal history of the world; and these strange companions are at times surprised to find each other mounting the same path.
The difficulty in finding good placements has diminished the attractiveness of the ministry as a vocation for many promising young persons.
In this sense it is a mental health problem for people of all levels of intellectual ability, but the very brilliant and the very limited do have special problems finding meaning and satisfaction in their vocations.
Only as a community that does not find its source of identity and vocation within its cultural milieu can the church acquire any intimations of «good news» for its cultural milieu.
The fulfilment of our various vocations of loving, and the integration of our desires and needs, is found by recognising that in all our relationships we share directly and intimately in some aspect of the Lord's own universal mission of creative and redemptive love.
Misunderstood and frustrated, she made three attempts at entering religious life before finally settling down and finding peace of mind in her vocation.
Many people said to us when the Sisters were founded in 2000 that vocations would come by the truckload, but we never really believed that.
But if I say, «I accept God's call to follow the vocation of druggist,» I find that I can only point to myself.
But the only thing that each of us can and should do is what we each must do ultimately alone, if we have vocations to be writers: Go off and write out of the very fullness of human experience about the very fullness of human experience and hope to find and affect contemporary readers and the greater world, and in the meantime leave the distracting and finally pointless diagnoses of who were the Catholic writers, and how much, and how well, how little, how importantly, to the critics and scholars.
But they do not find comfort, much less evangelical leadership, from priests who imagine they can avoid clericalism by unwittingly denying the truth of their own sacramental vocation and its distinctiveness.
«To do needful work, then, to lose oneself and find oneself therein, to participate thus in a common task and a shared life: this and the summons to it, we shall mean by vocation.
Now living out that last vocation, I regularly find myself moved anew by my time in Krakow.
It does direct its followers to seek by means of all the intelligence they can muster to find out what to do to alleviate distress, to heal physical and mental disease, to order the vocations and to distribute justly the goods men produce.
theologian have a common vocation of finding the words to communicate the power of experience without codifying it and bending it into dictionary definitions.
In such an instance we may find it harder to say whether we are still talking about the duties of everyday life, or whether a sense of vocation is here associated with something more heroic and extraordinary.
Taken seriously, the sanctification of such laborious or tedious work with the language of vocation would suggest that we should struggle to find more time for it, not plot ways to escape it.
In this period of turmoil, under the first impact of the forces of disintegration, I found his book exciting as well as supportive of my vocation.
Look up the word vocation in a dictionary, and you will find that the first two meanings given will be something like the following: «1.
Every year healing retreats for women at Kirkridge focus on such issues as finding one's own voice, vocation and justice.
Though the nurse, Mathilde, is the film's viewpoint character, the nunnery as a whole is the film's protagonist, for the nuns must grow and change, respond to their trauma, and find a new way to live their vocations.
He finds his true vocation when a documentary film crew arrives at the retreat house to film the order's activities for fundraising purposes:
«The app is an original approach to assist current and future generations seeking to investigate and find information on vocations to the diocesan priesthood in Ireland,» a statement issued ahead of the launch said.
The work of Paul van Buren says something about the rather strange sense of community that one finds in the death of God group that two such different personalities as van Buren and Altizer could have a common theological vocation.
This is not an explicitly genital mode of contact, but it is a way of sexual living that makes its appeal to those who by religious vocation (e.g., monks and nuns) or a call to a particular kind of human service (e.g., Dag Hammarskjold) or some necessity (e.g., those who can not find a life partner or a homosexual comradeship available) are forced to live without a genital way of being sexual.
This can divert attention away from the our responsibility to accept the situation we find ourselves in and to take the contemporary fostering of vocations seriously.
Moreover, Christ sheds light on the meaning of all things and brings them to perfection: even the stars of the night sky find their ultimate purpose as the crowning glory of the vocation of matter through Our Blessed Lady, through whom God becomes Incarnate as Lord of all Time and Space, as we graphically proclaim every Easter on the Paschal candle.
In fairness, however, to this view and to voluntary celibacy among Protestants where this is found, it should be clear that the divine vocation, or calling, is not the same for all persons.
As a married pastor, husband, and father of three, I have often found it hard to balance these three vocations.
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