Sentences with phrase «foundation damage»

This usually leads to foundation damage as well as other erosion problems.
A tree that's causing foundation damage is — in my view — something akin to a defect.
The house we are looking at has foundation damage on an addition that was put on where someone didn't handle drainage issues.
1) FOUNDATION: Shovel the snow away from your home's foundation WHY: The key to preventing expensive foundation damage is to keep water away from your house.
Additionally, if your foundation damage occurred because of a pipe bursting which lead to the soil expansion (due to the freezing of the water) this may lead to a covered incident.
While clogged gutters can wreak havoc on your home from top to bottom, maintaining your gutters and downspouts will work in your favor when it comes to avoiding conditions such as flooding, foundation damage, pest infestation, roof damage, warped / rotted window frames, siding and doors, and mold — all of which may ultimately undermine the integrity of your home.
It usually has not be maintained for years and may have structural problems, missing pipes, faulty electric lines, holes in walls, broken or boarded up windows, and other issues such as fire, flooding, or foundation damage.
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