Sentences with phrase «foundational truth»

The Bible offers foundational truth that brings hope and transforms lives at a heart level.
You are the evolutionist why wouldn't one foundational truth evolve into many that over time would appear different yet have the same apparent «DNA»?
This episode reveals another foundational truth from Genesis 3:7.
«Living the Gospel of Life» leaves no doubt that those who knowingly, willingly, and persistently violate the foundational truth of the right to life are, in that respect, placing themselves outside communion with the Catholic Church.
In a previous episode, we looked at Genesis 3:6, and learned a foundational truth about humanity.
This has been a common witness of the papacy in the modern era, and contrary to all expectations of those who thought that the suspicious posture was necessary for the sake of peace, the posture of suspicion produced more violence than the assumption of a basic and foundational truth and goodness.
because your criticisms certainly seem to carry the very air you are criticizing (exclusivity and an appeal to an underlying, foundational truth).
As Christians we accept one foundational truth — God — and everything else makes sense.
His interpretation of scripture, while it does have a foundational truth, is not what the scriptures mean.
Genesis 4:8 contains the sixth and final revolutionary and foundational truth.
If you want to see how today's foundational truth is applied to our understanding of theology, Scripture, and culture, I highly recommend you get my book on the Atonement from Amazon.
As I've written in the past, First Principle Thinking is a basic, essential, foundational truth «known by nature.»
The fashionable embrace of «situational ethics» regarding business, erodes the foundational truth that any sustainable business relies on relationships.
But in the face of a society marked by unbelieving ideologies and the culture of death, we deem it all the more important to affirm together those foundational truths of historic Christian orthodoxy that we do hold in common.
We are seeing several foundational truths from Genesis 2 about how to understand life, theology, Scripture, society, religion, and culture.
Wise application of the Word of God to our life situations, our identity and our purpose was the powerhouse that gave 19th Century African - American theologians the foundational truths upon which historic and modern «blackness» was built — theologians like Rev. Henry Highland Garnet, Rev. Alexander Crummell, and Rev. Henry McNeal Turner to name a few.
In the same manner that the Church can not realistically expect the world to accept our teaching on moral and social issues without recognition of our perspective, the world and «lazy Catholics» must eventually realize that there are foundational truths which are immutable to the faith.
We know as followers of Jesus that God is faithful — that is one of the foundational truths of our faith.
It means, rather, that in the economy of divine revelation, more theological weight, as it were, is given to those teachings that relate directly to the foundational truths of the Christian faith.
It shows how far we have strayed from the foundational truths of our own faith.
What he sought was ecclesial density, a «density» characterized by an intensity of common teaching, worship vibrancy, the confidence of a tradition extending to the very beginnings of the Church, and the welcomed contention of many voices around and within all of it as each yet seeks better to understand the core, foundational truths that God is triune and Christ is fully God and fully human.
This is because it doesn't provide tips, ideas, or principles on how to parent, but instead provides the psychological and theological foundation for why people behave the way they do, and how we can recognize these foundational truths in our own lives and in our children.
These are the foundational truths, and most of us, most Christians in America, have never even begun to scratch the surface on some of these items.
Promiscuity was held to be normative, opponents of it were decried as idiotic and prudish, and any acceptable solution had to be built on these foundational truths.
Juan's character reflects one of the foundational truths of Moonlight — that identity is not a conclusion, but a journey — and Ali's performance ensures that we perceive Juan's more guarded but no less enthralling journey in addition to Chiron's.
I have identified three foundational truths about earning the trust of this online consumer:

Not exact matches

Rather it is, first, to understand the truth of our predicament more deeply so that we may better discern how to act, and secondly, to dent the liberals» apparently unshakeable confidence in these foundational assumptions.
If you have been listening to my podcast for the past year, you may recall that as we were working our way through Genesis 3, I kept mentioning the six foundational and revolutionary truths from Genesis 2, 3, and 4.
Such are the foundational and indispensable truths upon which any credible affirmation of universal rights must be based.
This truth, which we consider foundational, was what I wished to emphasise in my first Encyclical, Deus Caritas Est..»
The Pope goes on to enlarge upon this «foundational» truth: «This infinite and eternal love enables us to respond by giving all our love in return: love for God and love for neighbour.
This episode of the One Verse Podcasts look at the third foundational and revolutionary truth from Genesis 2 - 3.
Each person has a set amount of time (their «life») to choose these truths and others... these are foundational.
But later in the book Woodworth forthrightly asserts that, «as it pertained to the foundational teaching of Christianity, such rigid stasis was entirely good, for at the heart of the Christian religion are certain basic truths and doctrines that do not change.»
This great gulf must certainly be faced, but to quite a degree one's attitude to the truth of this foundational Christian doctrine rests upon the respective veracities of Muslim and Christian revelation.
By bringing into focus the fundamental relationship between freedom and truth (and when this bond was broken), participants will be better prepared to articulate the foundational principles that can provide the basis for cultural, political, and religious renewal.
It is precisely the integrity — that is to say, the truth — of Judaism that is foundational to Christianity.
These verses contain the foundational, milk doctrines, elementary principles, Kindergarten truths of the Word of God.
It tries to build a bridge between our faith and philosophy by investigating the transcendental conditions for the possibility of understanding the various truths of our faith by probing into the very foundational structure of the human spirit.
Thus, as with truth, the human person has a primary and foundational relationship to the good — the good defines the human person.
Although the tendency of human nature is to think that what comes in the future is far better than what was in the past, the truth of the matter is that there are some things that are truly foundational - and important.
This truth is foundational for promoting agency, self - efficacy, and growth mindset in students.
The so - called Enlightenment Project persisted throughout much of the 20th century; in the 1980s and»90s, social theorists still maintained that respectful open dialogue on foundational matters would advance truth and strengthen democracy.
The GCI authors and those who are advancing its conclusions either misrepresent or fail to acknowledge this foundational distinction in charter operation, as well as the following truths:
by Henry F. Schaefer III To find objective truth by science still requires operating by the foundational principles of transcendent truth and conduct.
Earlier this year, Harvard Business Review published an article titled «The Truth about Blockchain», where it defined Blockchain as a foundational technology and platform,...
Hold fast to truth and common sense as a foundational quality for the sales process and buildi...
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