Sentences with phrase «founded as a christian»

How did you make the leap from «The US was not founded as a Christian Nation» to «Religion Sucks!»?
Our nation was founded as a Christian Nation for religous freedom to worship the one true God any way you would like.
«appealing to the idea that America was founded as a Christian nation?»
When I first met her, Mary, who was to become my wife, was secretary of the Cambridge branch of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, which was founded as a Christian Pacifist Organization early in the twentieth century.
I've found as a Christian woman it is often better & safer to lead the conversation by talking about my dreams and hopes because having ambitions often assumes a secular worldview where promotions, opportunities, and recognition is about money, success, and ego.
Likewise, to varying degrees, for things like, psychics, homeopathic «medicine», creationism / ID in science classes, reproductive choice, anti-vaccination, religious conflict in general, the US being or founded as a Christian nation, blue laws, UFOs (in the visiting aliens sense), etc..
You do know that Harvard was founded as a Christian University to train ministers of the gospel.
They didn't, so apparently they weren't the «right» kind of Christians either, even though some people keep declaring that this country was founded as a Christian nation.
He says that the United States was not founded as a Christian nation.
The country wasn't founded as a Christian nation, it was founded by Christian's with a strong tradition of using Christian morals and ethics as the basis of government.
I do not feel that there should a Muslim holiday, This is the United States of America, we the people were founded as a Christian Nation.
Repeatedly saying that the US was founded as a Christian nation does not make it true.
Evan, While Christians offer state that the US was founded as a Christian nation, you are the first person I have heard suggest that democracy was inspired by Jesus.
The GOP has lost it's way, the U.S. was NOT founded as a Christian nation it was founded to be free of any religious influenece by it citizens.
America was not founded as a christian nation.
America has always allowed freedom of religion, as it should, but we were founded as a Christian nation.
@Charles — the nation was not founded as a Christian nation but a nation of religious freedom.
For this reason I find myself as a Christian teacher, primarily concerned to link subjective piety with scientific (historic) objectivity.
And the U.S.A. was founded as a Christian nation lol.
Heartland Family Service was founded as the Christian Workers Association in 1875 by representatives from eight different Omaha churches in order to minimize duplication and deliver services effectively.

Not exact matches

The company was founded in May 2013 by Kai Chang and Jens Windau, who were later joined by Christian Siagian, who serves as vice president of software.
They found that the people who were able to choose what to think about experienced a greater reduction of high - arousal negative emotions and a boost in low - arousal positive ones, as Christian Jarrett writes in a piece about the findings for the British Psychological Society research digest.
The euro hit a two - month low against the yen soon after FDP leader Christian Lindner said on Sunday that his party was withdrawing from the talks as the three would - be partners could not find common ground on key issues.
Although I am also pro-life, I was baffled by the absoluteness of her argument — as a Christian, can't we find a way to care for all of those who are weak among us?
But even the most orthodox of Jews will admit that GeHenna (named after the dump outside Jerusalem that existed in the Valley of Hinnom and whilch was considered the most unclean of places, where the «fires never went out» and the «worm never died»... a reference seen in Isaiah...) was an idea adapted from Babylonian theology (taken from Zoasterism), not an idea originally developed in the Tanach (thus you will find references to «the world to come» and «tikkun Olam» only in the Talmud, not in the Tanach... which for Jews is not a problem since our view of «scripture» is not the same as a Christians).
We are not a Christian nation, we were not founded on Christian faith but had it imposed well after the establishment of this more perfect union — when fe ar of being different (i.e. communist) was great enough to allow religion to be a significant part of who we are as a nation.
As a former Atheist who is now a devout Christian, I find these disturbing.
Yet I have found that when someone tells me they are «a good Christian» as their first comment when they are introducing themselves, I make sure I protect my wallet!
Our government was founded by a combination of Christians and Deists, but having studied the actions of our government even against it's own people we haven't been a Christian nation since the beginning, much as some people want it to be.
The original credo of our nation set by our founding fathers of «E Pluribus unum» (from many, one — or from many walks of life, faith, world views, we unite as one nation) has turned into «One Nation Under [a Christian] God.»
«In Early Christian art and Early Medieval art it is found in both the East and Western churches, and represents either Christ, or sometimes God the Father as part of the Trinity.
From my own childhood as a christian I know from experience that churches have no problems finding places to meet.
What I find now, that is very interesting, are those of faith who say that Muslims don't pray to the same «God» as Christians or Jews.
I just think as Christians we should have a higher standard than what we are portraying in the media concerning this issue... I can not find the reason why gay people can not be our equals in our churches — if they can be my neighbors then they can also be my friends — and if friends — then they shoud have all the access to whatever it is I do.
And don't forget all the victims of Christianity's own Jim Jones... I'm certain you and all you Christian Extremists are in your churches, always trying to find ways to brainwash everyone into committing suicide like Jim Jones and have plans to blow up buildings like Timothy McVeigh and think about as well as act upon your perverted thoughts by molesting young boys... don't you?
What I do find odd is that the religious right is so quick to accept a Mormon for his «values» yet they don't seem to understand or care that he doesn't believe as Christians do concerning who Jesus was.
And so what if, as a single Christian woman, dating finds its rightful place under my calling to «go and make disciples»?
Traditionalists find themselves ill at ease» to put it mildly» in today's postmodernist intellectual world, a world whose «animating spirit,» as Gertrude Himmelfarb puts it, «is a radical relativism and skepticism that rejects any idea of truth, knowledge, or objectivity» («The Christian University: A Call to Counterrevolution,» FT, January).
Certainly, you find me fighting more for the rights of LGBT people to live as LGBT people in Christian community — but that is because I think they are the ones not allowed to have a voice.
As a Christian I find this article very offensive.
The fact that you want the best for me — that you want me to find and know the truth — helps me to see that just as all Christians can not be lumped into one narrow category, neither can atheists.
I've found that atheists and especially atheists here regurgitate arguments put forth by Dawkins and Hitchens et al. as much as any Christian quotes the Bible.
I find it funny that the Christian position, when met with any logical argument to discount the greatness of the Bible, can only cite more passages from the same book, as opposed to countering with a equally logical counter position.
The only t i t l e I go by as a believer is «Christian» That being said, my theology is reformed and is founded upon the doctrine of the sovereignty of God.
And, finally, the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli plainly states: «The government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Mussulmen [Moslems].»
That was very interesting thing to read about and I respect every word it came with and Thank you for the guidance and encouragement therefore I find my self more attracted to read the old books after all they are the elder parts of our book what ever they say although each has his own belief and can figure which are similar to ours and which are not... after all verses seemed as ours although were put differently... Thank you again and wish all the Christians a Happy and Peaceful celebration for this occasion... our prayers and peace upon the soul and the spirit of the Prophet and Messenger of God Jesus the Son of Mary..
I find myself having less Christian friends as a result, but I am happier and I think I have a better understanding of what love is and who Jesus is.
Some athiests are just as bad as the fundimentalists... because they «know» I being and agnostic, however, take issue with anyone who says that people who are not religious do not think... in fact, it has been found that statistically, athiests and agnostics know the bible better than christians.
Too many progressive Christian books I see, even if I find them agreeable, are imo just too shallow and narrow, as if trying to appeal to the same kind of shallow interests groups as those of of the mass pop Christian evangelical culture.
most Christians should and do embrace science and it's proven findings (although there is a very vocal minority that the media chooses to portray as the majority rather than the fringe that it is).
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