Sentences with phrase «fountain of wisdom»

Each of these books is a deep fountain of wisdom and comfort waiting for you to drink from.
Susan has been through a great deal and is a fountain of wisdom when it comes to positive discipline.
A fountain of wisdom from which we all drunk freely is shut.
It was refreshing to see them succumb to wise counsel and the charm of President Mahama as they reluctantly laid down their placards to drink from the president's fountain of wisdom.
«He prays that the Almighty God will grant Ekwueme good health, longer life, and more opportunities to share with humanity from his fountain of wisdom
With her many years as a professor and administrator, she proved to be a fountain of wisdom and knowledge for my teaching experience.
Benjamin's Flight tells the story of a younger version of the game's titular hero, who, on a quest for the Fountain of Wisdom, meets several new companions.
I was trying to write about sick kids that were like the sick kids I'd known in the hospital, not these fountains of wisdom, and not a sentimental story about poor little kids.
Thankfully, I notice that among these experienced participants stand a few wannabe sustainability gurus such as myself, all similarly wide - eyed and bewildered by the fountains of wisdom which surround us.
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