Sentences with word «fracing»

The argument of the «Devastated Forests» isn't mine, but it is that of fracing opponents.
I wonder if horizontal drilling and mulitistage fracing is revolutionizing not only the NG industry but perhaps also the conventional EOR industry such that the demand for CO2 may be dropping as companies switch to HMF for EOR?
Bridges clears up many of the myths surrounding fracing (frakking), including the claim of water pollution from these operations.
I have seen compelling evidence of this from microseismic data recorded from the fracturing of the rocks during fracing.
Prior to the rapid expansion of fracing, it was assumed that we were pretty much at peak gas.
«Fracing takes place deep in the earth, with thousands of feet of solid rock between the fracing and people's water supply.
And therein lies a valuable lesson for the fracing controversy, as we'll discuss later.
Environmentalists, myself included, are often more concerned about the amount of raw methane released in gas development than the much - publicized fracing issue, even though their presentations may lead with the fracing controversy.
While there is a temporary boom in natural gas thanks to hydraulic fracturing or fracing, (now commonly called fracking), gas is also replacing coal in power plants and may well replace gasoline in cars.
All the fracing will push off the peak, but doesn't eliminate it.
Sometimes spelled (bizarrely to my eye and ear) fracing.
Gas wells are punched deep into the earth; layers of rock are then «cracked» by injecting sand - and chemical - filled water under great pressure - the so - called «fracing» process - allowing natural gas to escape to the surface via well head, and so it is feared, allowing contaminants from fracing fluids to move into nearby water wells.
Groundwater, invisible, and ordinarily slower than a snail, rushes movement of the spillings and drillings of man when bedrock cracks are opened wider, and held that way through hydraulic fracturing or «fracing».
Areas of expertise range from work over driller, completion of wells, perforation wells, gravel pack, fracing, moving heavy equipment, chemicals, and hazards materials.
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