Sentences with phrase «fraction of a degree above»

This tugs at nearby rubidium atoms which have been chilled to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero: a positive charge on the surface of the nanotubes attracts the rubidium atoms» electrons, while the positively charged nucleus is repelled.
When cooled to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, atoms are easier to control, and their quantum properties come to the fore.
The researchers use a quantum gas microscope to image the atoms, which have been cooled to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero and trapped in place using lasers.
To observe spin waves, McGuirk and physicists Heather Lewandowski and Dave Harber started with a cloud of rubidium atoms chilled to fractions of a degree above absolute zero.
The experiment monitors germanium detectors, cooled to a fraction of a degree above absolute zero, for subtle vibration and ionization effects that would be produced by WIMPs colliding with germanium nuclei.
That temperature is impressive because it was thought that cooling an object down to fractions of a degree above absolute zero was the only way to keep its atoms from jostling each other and destroying entanglement's delicate links, or coherence.
It will be hooked to a dilution refrigerator set at 10 - to - 50 milli - Kelvins, a temperature more than 50 times colder than deep space and a small fraction of a degree above absolute zero.
View of the dilution refrigerator that will lower temperature to a small fraction of a degree above absolute zero when connected.
The first is the heat death of the universe due to the second law of thermodynamics; hot flows to cold until the entire universe is just a fraction of a degree above absolute zero.
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