Sentences with phrase «fragile island environment»

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The Galápagos National Park creates, regulates, and oversees cruise vessel itineraries to help control crowd size and reduce human impact on fragile island and marine environments.
Due to the tremendous popularity of Sipadan Island, the Malaysian government was forced to introduce a permit system to safeguard the fragile underwater environment and limit the number of divers to 120 per day on the iIsland, the Malaysian government was forced to introduce a permit system to safeguard the fragile underwater environment and limit the number of divers to 120 per day on the islandisland.
This activity report demonstrates that Small Island Developing States (SIDS) have time and again risen to the task of managing their fragile environments to meet their sustainable development goals through a broad range of actions, including conservation and sustainable use of critical marine and coastal resources, climate change mitigation, adaptation efforts and more.
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