Sentences with phrase «fragile sites»

Their findings offer a better understanding of the mechanisms of chromosome fragile sites and could lead to a breakthrough in identifying new cancer - associated genes.
Most fragile sites danger of losing a tooth and the gift that.
Dr. Smith, a professor in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, wears many hats at the Mayo Clinic, including running a lab where he works on the characterization of the common fragile sites in the genome and on the role that human papillomaviruses play in the development of a variety of different cancers.
«We are now investigating chromosome fragile site formation in various human cell lines, including the chronic myeloid leukemia and Fragile X cells,» said Feng.
She and her team developed the method Break - seq to test their hypothesis that chromosome fragile sites result from collisions between drug - induced unstable DNA replication and untimely gene transcription.
The study results indicate that patients who have abnormal levels of breaks at common fragile sites (CFSs), sites within the chromosomes that are sensitive to DNA damage, are more likely to have their cancer to return — treatment failure.
Using a novel method they developed to map chromosome breaks in a model organism, the budding yeast, Wenyi Feng, Ph.D., of Upstate Medical University and her colleagues have discovered new information as to how and where chromosome fragile sites can occur in human DNA.
Chromosome fragile sites are regions of DNA double strand breaks on human chromosomes.
However, some regions of the genome, notably common fragile sites (CFSs), raise specific problems.
Mapping of XMRV integration sites has revealed a strong preference for structurally open transcription regulatory regions of chromosomes that are associated with cancer breakpoints, common fragile sites, microRNA and cancer - related genes [5].
By pulling visitors away from the natural coral to the new, adjacent «parks,» there is less human pressure at the original, fragile sites.
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