Sentences with phrase «fragile structure»

Why not get a new boat, with a better, stronger and less fragile structure, that will enable you to focus on navigating and Using your sound vessel to reach your destination?
Ultrasound guided biopsies are commonly used as a minimally invasive way to get accurate samples of diseased organs while avoiding blood vessels and other fragile structures.
Together, these materials create fragile structures that retain a corporeal presence.
In the next 30 days, they expect 1 - 2 more quakes above 5.0, which might further damage already fragile structures...
Ultrasound - guided biopsies are commonly used as a minimally invasive way to get accurate samples of diseased organs while avoiding blood vessels and other fragile structures.
Certainly the fragile structures of.
These lacy cookies are delicate with a fine pattern of oats giving them fragile structure.
For unknown reasons, these fragile structures not only disconnect shortly after injury but can continue to disconnect even for decades later in some patients.
Though Gibson expects the site will eventually be open to visitors who wish to see the ruins, he notes that the site at present remains closed until the archaeological work can be completed in subsequent seasons and the fragile structures there have been stabilized through conservation procedures.
Their fats have a fragile structure that go rancid and degrade easily when heated, making them inflammatory and unhealthy.
Its actions protect your DNA by stopping free radicals from damaging the fragile structure of your chromosomes.
In a sense, the fragile structure of the title acts as a double metaphor: for a barrier between enemies that keeps them from killing each other, as well as one that must come down if true understanding is ever to occur.
The bridge vibrates underneath, one hundred or two hundred feet drumming on the fragile structure.
In a novel as daring as it is compassionate, Elizabeth McCracken introduces an indelibly drawn cast of characters — from Mose's Iowa family to the vagabond friends, lovers, and competitors who share his dizzying journey — as she deftly explores the fragile structures that underlie love affairs and friendships, partnerships and families.
While the story layer was once a fragile structure, merely having a supportive role, it is now so complex that is can pretty much stand on its own.
«Fragile Structures: Artist's Book About Croissants and Consumer Lifestyle Destroys Itself From the Inside Through Use»
Intimate as skins, these fragile structures bring to mind Robert Rauschenberg's gauzy Hoarfrost series.
Story of a Sensible Length, 2014 was created for «GENERATION: 25 Years of Contemporary Art in Scotland», in which similar hues of polythene sheets were hung from the ceiling, bound together with loose knots to create a fragile structure seemingly caught in mid-air.
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