Sentences with phrase «fragmented form of»

The presented works will be connected with texts on the artists, written by Josef Strau, partly already published, partly in a more fragmented form of some collected notes.

Not exact matches

(At Mote and other facilities, fragmenting coral is a form of asexual reproduction — cloning).
Reviewed by local regulators for almost a year, that local marriage was only step one for the Brahma boys, who saw an industry ripe for consolidation and initiated a strategy to improve margins by buying up brewers, eliminating duplicative operations, cutting excess suppliers, and other steps that formed today's beer market, which is fragmented by brand but consolidated in terms of ownership.
He was looking for unambiguous signs of success: pairs of fireballs (at night) or smoke clouds (during the day) that formed as speeding fragments blew up a warhead.
But only fragments or secondary translations have been found, so the complete original forms of all of them are still unavailable.
Just as an artist might begin with a certain form or a snatch of musical ideas or a line of dialogue, so the historical event begins with an array of episodic fragments.
I shall end this collection of fragments of my thought by speaking of what expression Christian identity must necessarily have in Higher Education in the immediate future in India in a summary form.
Byzantium at its most sublime was a wedding of spirit, light, form and flesh still observable in old ikons and fragments of mosaics scattered throughout Asia Minor; in the architecture of Hagia Sophia and the monasteries of Mount Athos, Mar Saba and St. Catherine; and in the thoughts of the Eastern church fathers, Athanasius, Irenaeus and the Cappadocians.
In Living Faithfully in a Fragmented World: Lessons for the Church from MacIntyre's «After Virtue» (1998), Wilson responds to moral philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre, who concludes his celebrated 1991 critique of modernity by calling for «the construction of local forms of community within which civility and the intellectual and moral life can be sustained through the new dark ages which are already upon us....
They will form a stark contrast to the communities of violence and to the fragmented persons existing all around them, harried and compulsively consuming.
Bultmann saw the pure form in the «apothegm,» «the original specific fragment which would sum things up concisely; interest would be concentrated on the word [spoken by] Jesus at the end of a scene; the details of the situation would lie far from this kind of form; Jesus would never come across as the initiator... everything not corresponding to this form Bultmann attributed to development.»
Seminaries, especially, need to devote much more attention to the task of working out what it means to proclaim the skandalon of the gospel to a generation which has no background knowledge of the gospel, how to create community in a society where the old forms of community have become fragmented and dysfunctional, and how to communicate within a culture where the mass media have devalued genuine communication in the name of communication.
This understanding of Covenant - making appears here in verses 1 - 2 and 9 - 11 (unfortunately in fragmented form, for more space is given to the later view of Covenant - making).
Organized Christianity in the form of an ecclesiastical institution has already been greatly fragmented.
In the collection there is found included a great variety of literary forms, prose narratives, fables, fairy tales, much poetry of various sorts, a good deal of ballad form, reported sayings on many subjects, and fragments of epics.
Only a powerful polarization of human wills, after each fragment of humanity has been led to the discovery of his own particular form of freedom, can ensure the convergence and unified working of this plurality in a single, co-ordinated planetary system.
As can be seen from the map, the «islands» the Palestinians control are too fragmented to form a sovereign state and Israel therefore must relinquish control of territory it controls to allow a Palestinian state to exist.
With neither Labour nor the Conservatives likely to be capable of forming a majority government and given the SNP's fragmented unionist opponents north of the border, Britain's first - past - the - post electoral system could allow Nicola Sturgeon's party to exact a high price for support of a government in the Commons.
They could have been born from the demise of the universe's first stars (Population III stars), which we think formed when primordial gas cooled and fragmented about 200 million years after the big bang.
From a u-CT scan and an X-ray, researchers identified a fibrous dysplastic neoplasm — today, the most common form of benign bone tumor in humans — located on a Neandertal left rib fragment that measured 30 mm (4 1/2 inches) long.
One of the models showed a cloud had fragmented to form two such cores, possibly because the cloud's spin had torn it apart (Science, DOI: 10.1126 / science.1173540).
Furthermore, Schultz's work suggests fragments from these giants could account for a many of the impacts that occurred during a period called the Late Heavy Bombardment, which occurred from about 3.8 billion years ago to around 4 billion years, when scientists think most of the craters we see on the Moon and Mercury were formed.
Of the 731 rock samples the Apollo 16 astronauts brought home in April 1972, nearly all were breccia, composites formed of fragments fused together — probably by the heat and pressure of meteorite impactOf the 731 rock samples the Apollo 16 astronauts brought home in April 1972, nearly all were breccia, composites formed of fragments fused together — probably by the heat and pressure of meteorite impactof fragments fused together — probably by the heat and pressure of meteorite impactof meteorite impacts.
To get a closer look at the interaction between the antibody and a fragment of the virus» envelope protein, scientists in Pamela J. Bjorkman's lab at Caltech determined the molecular structure formed as the two units interacted.
Like one of Picasso's fragmented Cubist portraits, Homo fossils from 300,000 years ago give a vague, provocative impression that someone with a humanlike form is present but not in focus.
These spent satellites with attendant motors, fuel tanks, discarded instrument covers, bolts and the like form a growing population of debris which can become fragmented through collision with other debris or by explosion of residual fuel.
Fractals have a characteristic quality of self - similarity: every fragment retains a resemblance to its initial form, even after magnification or reduction.
The method has allowed researchers to study key players involved in cell division — which include proteins that form much of the structure of chromosomes, and fragments of DNA that help to orchestrate the process.
The phenomenon has opened up a new form of trade, diffuse and fragmented, that has already increased the number of commercial transactions manifold and ushered in new kinds of abuse.
These primitive objects contain amino acids, the building blocks of life, and appear to be nearly unchanged fragments of the material from which the solar system formed.
As astronomers report online today in Nature, magnetic fields inside M33's six most massive giant molecular clouds — large concentrations of dense gas and dust that give birth to stars — line up with the spiral arms, suggesting the magnetic fields helped create the huge clouds and that they regulate how the clouds fragment to form new stars.
The fragments are carried away by the water and deposited elsewhere, where many of them grow and form new colonies over the course of decades and centuries.
To understand how they work, we can take a look at nature itself: while natural elements acquire their physical properties from the atoms that form them and the way in which they are ordered, metamaterials use natural means, like small metal fragments that fit together like parts of a Meccano model to artificially synthesise properties that are impossible to find otherwise.
The fragments of that final doomed moon, each originally between 1 and 50 kilometers across, formed an icy ring system as much as 1000 times as massive as today's rings.
Fragments of these planetesimals remain today as meteorites called achondrites, which scientists have pored over for clues to how planets formed.
The sites — including locations in the Crane Naval Surface and Warfare Center, Big Oaks National Wildlife Refuge, and state parks — varied in habitat size and form, ranging from small to large forest fragments with varying degrees of tree cover.
They showed that polymorph selection is dictated by the architecture of the smallest possible fragments formed at early time - points.
The researchers determined that the diamonds formed as thinner continental fragments and began their journey beneath the thick, buoyant continental crust of central Africa.
«The nickel fragments that sputter off of the pellet react with the oxygen atoms to produce an oxidized form of nickel that gets deposited onto the semiconductor,» Lewis says.
Microplastics refer to barely visible litter in the form of small fragments, fibres and granules.
At present, dust and large fragments from Comet Shoemaker - Levy form a band in the sky an arcminute wide (1 arcminute is one - sixtieth of a degree).
The creation of electron - positron pairs would cause a loss of pressure, further accelerating the collapse; as a result, the two orbiting fragments would ultimately become so dense that a black hole could form at each clump.
In the brains of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), amyloid precursor protein is broken apart, and the resulting fragments — β - amyloid peptides, or Aβ peptides — aggregate to form plaques.
Theoretical studies show it's hard to prevent those gas clouds from fragmenting to form a cluster of small stars, rather than collapsing into one large star, says physicist Dominik Schleicher of the University of Concepción in Chile.
Spent rockets, derelict spacecraft, satellite fragments and loose hardware now form a cloud of debris that poses a threat to orbiting satellites and astronauts.
Ultraviolet radiation spices things up as well: It heats the grains and breaks up some of the molecules into reactive fragments, which in turn bond with other fragments to form new kinds of molecules.
When damage occurs, fragments of DNA can get separated from the nucleus and form structures called micronuclei.
Using modelling, Sébastien Charnoz and Ryuki Hyodo at the Paris Institute of Earth Physics found that if such a smash - up left behind big chunks of debris, these would form a new moon so fast that smaller fragments couldn't drift inwards to form rings (
Adding the engineered fragments to a test tube of normal amyloid - beta blocked the proteins» ability to form fibers, even after four months» exposure.
They formed silk scaffolds of different thicknesses (ranging from 2 to 5 micrometers) and stiffness combined with growth factors, to test the success of megakaryocyte adhesion and the formation of proplatelets — the parts of the megakaryocytes that fragment into platelets.
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