Sentences with phrase «fragments of plastic»

While the small fragments of plastic and fishing nets found in the trawl samples may not seem like a lot, it's important to remember we're talking about the findings in the tiny portion of the South Pacific that was trawled.
Occasionally incorporating fragments of plastic or wood, Thornton populates his paintings on panel with a mix of ambiguous forms, frenetic drawing, and cartoonish objects, all suspended within a purposefully indeterminate pictorial space.
Microscopic fragments of plastic -LRB-...) Read more
Recently, the team reported on the ubiquity of microplastics — tiny fragments of plastic and fibres — in the deep sea.
Microscopic fragments of plastic — or microplastics — are pieces of plastic less than 5 mm in diameter and are a global marine pollutant.
And yet what effect do fragments of plastic have on ecosystems «on dry land»?
For instance, the surfaces of tiny fragments of plastic may carry disease - causing organisms and act as a vector that transmits diseases in the environment.
«Although only little research has been carried out in this area, the results to date are concerning: fragments of plastic are present practically all over the world and can trigger many kinds of adverse effects.
For example, tiny fragments of plastic can be accumulated in yeasts and filamentous fungi.
Soon there were fragments of plastic and metal all over the floor.
A story in Environmental Science and Technology presents research showing that micrometer - size fragments of plastics have contaminated the shorelines at 18 sites around the world, from the poles to the equator, with greater levels of contamination in densely populated areas.
Most fragments of plastics, measuring about one - sixth the diameter of the human hair, come from paints, nylon, and polyester — some of the common materials found in cigarette filters.

Not exact matches

However, bone fragments in sausage, metal parts from broken - off blades or plastic pieces of packaging and transport cases are a worse - case scenario for any food producer.
X-ray technology is used if other types of contaminants, such as stones, plastic or bone fragments are detected.
The results were unprecedented and aren't likely to be equaled soon, particularly by a movement that seems to splinter into fragments at the drop of a hat, or of a plastic Jesus on a spring.
Microplastics are small plastic fragments that have accumulated in the marine environment following decades of pollution.
On one hand, the tiny plastic fragments often accumulate contaminants that, if swallowed, can be passed to organisms during digestion; without forgetting the gastrointestinal obstructions, which are another of the most common problems with this type of waste.
On the other hand, the abundance of floating plastic fragments allows many small organisms to sail on them and colonize places they could not access to previously.
Andrés Cózar, researcher from the University of Cadiz, explains: «Ocean currents carry plastic objects which split into smaller and smaller fragments due to solar radiation.
Although the image of a bird tangled in a plastic necklace is by now burned into the public's eye, ingestion of plastic fragments is much more common.
Unidentifiable plastic fragments, resin pellets and fishing gear make up the bulk of the total (graphic), but the researchers also came across toothbrushes, baby pacifiers, hard hats, bicycle pedals and a sex toy.
This photograph, showing plastic fragments collected in just an hour at a cove near Gloucester, Mass., hints at a lesser - known but equally disturbing story: much smaller bits of plastic that are accumulating in oceans all over the world can potentially harm marine life and possibly even human health.
«Our observations show that large loads of plastic fragments, with sizes from microns to some millimeters, are unaccounted for in the surface loads,» says Cozar, who teaches at the University of Cadiz in Spain, by e-mail.
The second was a striped, rumpled linen shirt with a plastic «souvenir» pocket, to be used for a leaf, a shell, a fragment of a photo, anything that seals a moment.
First of all, I will not even consider feeding any foods that contain any of the following: meat by - products, poultry by - products, any food with the actual words «meat meal» in the ingredient list (meat meal could potentially contain anything such as diseased or dead / dying animals, including the possibility of euthenised pets from shelters (yes with the euthenasia drugs still in their systems and sometimes even with collars still on), as well as a legal allowed % of plastic, chemicals and other unmentionables), soy, corn or any fragments thereof, wheat or any fragments thereof, any kind of gluten or gluten meals, sugar, artificial flavours, artificial colors, BHA, BHT, ethoxyquin
His recent 12 - year retrospective at the Aldrich Museum in Connecticut included scrapbooks and quadrille notebooks, charts and drawings, prints and stamps that he has collected, glass and plastic fragments, teetering piles of books, stuffed birds and bears and overalls and lab coats hanging on hooks.
Fossils, trading beads, porcelain fragments, handblown glass, plastic flotsam and metal cast - offs all combine to create a historical portrait of the site.
For this sculpture he arranged collected plastic fragments into color categories, once more changing the bubble of information of these discarded items.
Once hardened (sometimes with the help of a furnace), these fragments of figures are carried to something akin to Matt Damon's plastic tent in The Martian.
Ragna Róbertsdóttir is known for her minimalist wall paintings made out of ground lava stones, broken glass, shell fragments, and chips of neon plastic.
RF: For this exhibition, you presented new pieces that revisited a signature method of production — fragments of cave walls are rebuilt as a 1:1 models, then mounted and displayed on aluminum stands, and plastic hinges made with the help of 3D printing.
Jerez's installations use digital and material presences — mummified plumbing systems, abstracted computer animations, sand, plastic, fragments of decoration — and the vocabulary of the Internet and advertising to evoke an uneasy landscape of contemporary consumerism.
Her works utilized a huge array of materials, from traditional plaster, marble, bronze, and wood to plastic, latex, resin, wax, toy doll fragments, electric lights, glass, rubber and junk art.
Frustrated by the «historically - loaded» convention of oil painting, he began to focus his practice on multi-layered compositions using a variety of cheap and readily - available material; such as coloured tapes, felt - tip pens, found objects and various fragments of fabric, paper and plastic.
There are millions of tons of plastics present in our oceans, and these are constantly fragmenting into smaller and smaller pieces which are scattered throughout the water column and present, in different densities, throughout all the worlds oceans.
«Expanded polystyrene foam — better known as Styrofoam — fragments and is virtually impossible to clean up, yet Americans are still using 25 billion cups made from this plastic every year,» said Rachel Lincoln Sarnoff, Executive Director of 5 Gyres.
This pollution is impacting our marine ecosystems, wildlife such as seabirds, dolphins, fish, and turtles, and plastic fragments are even displacing plankton at the base of the food chain.
Recognizes that plastics, including microplastics, in the marine environment are a rapidly increasing problem due to their large and still increasing use combined with the inadequate management and disposal of plastic waste, and because plastic debris in the marine environment is steadily fragmenting into secondary microplastics; 5.
The vast quantity of discarded plastic waste that is accumulating in the oceans breaks down to form microscopic fragments.
From microbeads to plastic fragments to microfibers, this small but pervasive form of plastic is frequently found in the stomachs of fish.
Instead of taking years to biodegrade, the plastic breaks down within a few months on land or in water leaving no fragments or harmful residues, according to Symphony.
The belly shock buckle dangled uselessly, and it therefore got slammed in the door of my Honda Civic hybrid electric, where it immediately cracked into brittle plastic fragments.
Photo collage of plastic fragments found in the Arctic Ocean.
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