Sentences with phrase «frame body of a dog»

This pet coats that is perfect for small and medium frame body of a dog and comes from different kinds of sizes for you to choose from.

Not exact matches

Emily (a Pawmetto Lifeline volunteer) and I sometimes have to go to great lengths to put the dogs at ease, to get «perky ears», to make them comfortable and happy, so that they feel safe being themselves, all while trying to keep them in good light for the camera, being aware of our surroundings, and keeping our own bodies out of the frame (Emily is a master at this!).
It's never possible to tell with 100 % accuracy which dogs will attack and which will not; however, paying attention to the dog's body language will generally give an indication of the dog's frame of mind.
Chewing is a potent stress reliever and releases pleasurable endorphins into the body, while destructive chewing on doors or window frames can be a sign that a dog is trying to get out of the home.
This is a video of an Italian greyhound, so it is more dramatic than typical cases due to the dog's body frame.
This is probably because their frames carry more weight and stress than that of medium or small dog breeds, thus bringing on more health conditions and wear on their bodies.
Using single frames from video recording two angles were identified with respect to the maximum excursion of the tail to the right and to the left side of the dog's body.
The title of the exhibition fits well: from his earliest object on display, Hunting Dogs Project (1961), a model for a public garden in the form of a maze, to PN27 Penetrable, made in 1979, a year before his death, there is a definite drive in the artist's work to contain a boundless and unpredictable human body, including the collective body — with all its joyful and painful emotions — within a certain aesthetic frame.
Each photograph varies in shape and distortion, and some even capture bits of the dogs» bodies within the frame.
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