Sentences with phrase «frankenfoods in»

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U.S. regulators have approved a potato genetically engineered to resist bruising and that could lead to a lower risk of cancer, marking an interesting twist in the ongoing debate over so - called Frankenfoods.
I won't launch into a long - winded rant on our food supply fillers and additives of frankenfood extraordinaire, but I WILL link to a post I wrote awhile back weighing in on the HFCS advertising absurdity that made all of us in the health and nutrition (and branding!)
Except while manufacturers touted their «healthy» fat - free and low - fat Frankenfoods, added sugar was slipping in through the back door, and the consequences have wreaked havoc on our health and our waistlines.
This creates frankenfoods like high fructose corn syrup and other additives included in supermarket foods.
Indeed, Esselstyn's diet categorically eliminates most «fat - free» Frankenfoods — many of which were wildly popular when he conducted his study in the»80s and»90s.
Live in the Now consulted Dr. Michael Wald, Director of Nutrition at Integrated Medicine of Mount Kisco in Westchester, New York and author of Frankenfoods — Controversy, Lies & Your Health.
Again, going back to the principle that we are most adapted to eating what our ancesters ate for almost 2 million years, that list of foods obviously did NOT include genetically modified foods, since these «frankenfoods» weren't included in the human food supply until the 1990's.
Processed frankenfoods are usually much easier to track because they have decisive nutrition facts, but they're also typically less satiating and lower in nutrition.
Hi Maria, Personally, I think it is completely irresponsible on so many levels that you are actually recommending «I can't believe it's not butter» — an ADULTERED, toxic, frankenfood — that was literally just created in 1986 by Unilever, over butter — a food nearly as old as time and vital to our health.
Normalization of the role of genetic modification in agriculture — and a fadeout for «frankenfood» campaigns — is most likely to come as consumers realize the varied applications of this versatile, and increasingly vital, technology.
The green movement was, in these cases, able to move public opinion with fears about «frankenfood», and the effects of invisible, radioactive substances also finding their way into our bodies.
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