Sentences with phrase «free act which»

Faithful to it, Vatican I recognised that faith involves a free act which can not «be produced necessarily by arguments of human reason» (DS 3035, 3010); hence the Council added to those external signs the «internal helps of the Holy Spirit» so that the former might be «most certain signs of divine revelation adapted to every intelligence» (DS 3009f, 3033f); as a result faith relies on «a most firm foundation» and «none can ever have a just reason for changing or doubting that same faith» (DS 3014, 3036; 2119 - 2121).
Faithful to it, Vatican I recognised that faith involves a free act which can not «be produced necessarily by arguments of human reason» (DS 3035, 3010); hence the Council added to those external signs the «internal helps of the Holy Spirit» so that the former might be «most certain signs of divine revelation adapted to every intelligence» (DS 3009f, 3033f); as a result faith relies on «a most firm foundation» and «none can ever have a justreason for changing or doubting that same faith» (DS 3014, 3036; 2119 - 2121).

Not exact matches

But act I did, and want two - and - a-half weeks packaging - free before buying my first packaged food again (a mesh bag of onions, which, looking back, I could have avoided by buying loose onions).
On their surface, the latest batch of Religious Freedom Reformation Act (RFRA) laws, which have passed in 20 U.S. states, not including Arkansas, appear to protect the free exercise of religion.
The trial judge said the law is at odds with Section 121 of the Constitution Act, which reads «All articles of the growth, produce, or manufacture of any one of the provinces shall, from and after the union, be admitted free into each of the other provinces.»
Equifax also violated the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which requires a credit reporting agency to provide a free credit report once every 12 months and to operate a central source — — where consumers can get their report.
Silfab Solar, Heliene and Canada Solar Solutions say their products should be exempt from the tariffs because they violate the Trade Act and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), under which their products are protected
There's also free «Horizon Motifs,» which act like target date funds with no carrying costs.
«Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should «make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,» thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.»
He created our bodies as they are, to function as they do and he gave us the free will to decide how and when we use our bodies in the act of se.x which he also created.
This act is free in the sense that there is a certain incommensurability, hence absence of determination, between the act itself in its emotional intensity and the conceptual adjustment of possibilities which it includes.
He then utilized terminology that for decades informed the basic stance of process theology on the nature of true power, though, as we shall see, that is open to challenge: God «persuades the world by an act of suffering with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.»
We are responsible only for those acts and attitudes in which we are free enough to do or to think otherwise if we choose to.
(Bultmannian spiritualizing, for which, if God is the Wholly Other, all these manifestations are just forms of expression with no real content, is certainly quite unacceptable, for why should not the Almighty be free to act in this way too?)
Hence the Catholic doctrine of justification does not profess a semi-Pelagian synergism according to which salvation would be divided up into God's gracious act and the independent free act of man.
Thomas Jefferson wrote, «I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should «make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,» thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.
Much ecotheology, process theology and creation spirituality go even further by arguing against the traditional split between inert, value - free nature and a transcendent God, and by arguing that God acts in and through the processes of nature, which are reconceived as sacred or spiritual.
Human beings need a realm in which we are free to act without anyone watching, without wondering what our recollection of the moment will look like on Facebook, and without having to produce some witty remark that will show how worldly-wise we are.
No longer existing is, in fact, being denied the human capabilities of being conscious, self - aware, and free to act, which in all reaility is our perceived «heaven».
For most Christians, salvation is an act of grace, which is a free gift of God.
Our selfish isolationism, our refusal to participate in the effort to build a world order of peace and justice through the League of Nations, our aloofness from the World court, our scuttling of the London Economic Conference, our interference with the free flow of goods by high tariffs, our Oriental Exclusion Act, our arming of Japan for her war upon China, are a few of the counts in the indictment which the God and Father of all mankind must bring against us.
''... I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should «make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,»
The Free Churches assume baptism would be a mere symbolic act, which follows conversion and a public confession of the new faith, aslo an act of obedience.
Greek existence came into being through an act of aesthetic distancing of nature and the gods, which freed the Greek to become aware of the formal properties of the world.
So, in other words, a Godless society would NOT be any better than one with a God under which people with free will turn against and act like... what... Atheists?
We shall follow his description, summarizing that which is most important for our purposes.15 In the first step, the disciple, acting either on his own or under the guidance of a master, reflects on the advantages of the Bodhi - vow, performs good works in order to free his soul, and finally takes the Bodhi - vow (pranidhi).
But he says this symbolism is «adherent,, rather than being a true act of language (a true act of language being, for example, the metaphor, which is a free invention of speech).
«Two things only are necessary: (1) a gradual accumulation of energy; (2) an elastic canalization of this energy in variable and indeterminate directions, at the end of which are free acts» (CE 278; TSMR 255).
Consciousness which otherwise would have been restricted to the object, or submerged in the performance of an act, is set free.
But if a man believes in the omnipotent, omniscient and loving God his life will be destiny in an even deeper sense: for it is wholly borne by the power of God without which nothing, not even man's own free act, can exist; his life as a whole and in all its details is always lived before the omniscient God of love.
For some the service, which lasts on average three hours, may be a smoke - free atmosphere to listen to jazz music, but to the faithful it is a serious act of worship that only John Coltrane's «A Love Supreme,» a song played at every service can provide.
But all this is even today the free act of the individual, for which he must be trained and formed, to which he may not, indeed can not, be compelled.
Certainly, the free act is always also concerned with a finite object which one considers, which one desires, realizes, loves or rejects, destroys, hates and so forth.
In every free act God is experienced non-explicitly, but truly; and what is meant by God is only experienced in this way, namely the Whither (incomprehensible by knowledge and will) of the one original transcendence of man, which consists in knowledge and love.
True, the free act by which God's self - communication is accepted is itself the gift of God and can only be realized as grace.
Of course, the one free act of man in which he realizes himself once and for all is dispersed in space and time in his many free actions, in which the one fundamental decision of the one man is enacted.
Freedom would only be the indifferent freedom to this or that, the infinite repetition of the same or the contrary (which is only a species of the same), a freedom of the eternal return of the same Ahasverus, if it were not of necessity the final freedom of the subject to itself that is freedom to God, though this truest «object» of freedom might not be conscious in the individual free act.
Only too easily will the free act appear to them as the origin indifferent in itself of an objective state which might have originated in principle just as well without freedom and must be valued only for what it is.
Space and time constitute the external atmosphere in which the free human act is accomplished.
The question, therefore, is whether such a concept of a cause to which the infinite reality of pure act belongs as a factor constituting it without becoming an intrinsic constituent of the entity of the finite cause itself, but in some way remains free, detached from the process of becoming, but provides the real ground of the self - transcending operation of the finite agent itself, is a valid and demonstrable concept, or only a paradoxical and intrinsically self - contradictory construction which can only conceal the fact that our thought has reached an impasse.
Then 14 years after the Declaration of Independence, which proclaimed «all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights,» the lie was embedded in the U.S. legal structure through the Naturalization Act of 1790, which barred the rights of citizenship from both free and enslaved black people.
If something new happens — that means, that forgiveness is not a necessary result determined by the nature of the man who forgives, something upon which the offender can count (if he did, he would obviously be unworthy of it); but it is an act arising wholly from the free good will of a person, wholly a gift.
-- Concealment is his free act, for which aesthetics also holds him responsible.
-- Their concealment is a free act, for which they are responsible also to aesthetics.
He persuades the world by an act of suffering love with the kind of power which leaves its object free to respond in humility and love.
And then there were bishops like Karol Wojtyła of Kraków, who grasped that the dignity of the human person was the battleground on which «the Church in the modern world» was contesting with various dangerous forces for the human future; who thought that coercion of consciences violated that human dignity; and who believed that the act of faith must be free if it is to be true, because the God of the Bible wants to be adored by people who freely choose to do so.
A free act is the resolution of an uncertainty inherent in the totality of the influences to which the act is subject.
And in truth just this demand for complete obedience which involves the whole man takes a heavy burden from man, however paradoxical this sounds; for he is now set free from the endless and useless task of searching for commands and prohibitions which he must know in order to act rightly; from the fear of having failed here and there because he did not know the scriptural precept or its right interpretation; from the contempt which was felt for the people who did not know the Law.
In Time and Free Will this conflict juxtaposes an «inner self» capable of singular free, spontaneous acts with an outer self which is both habitual and superficFree Will this conflict juxtaposes an «inner self» capable of singular free, spontaneous acts with an outer self which is both habitual and superficfree, spontaneous acts with an outer self which is both habitual and superficial.
Sandford (whose name was actually Sanford), acting on behalf of his sister who was Dred Scott's owner, injected into the litigation the question whether any black person, free or slave, could be a citizen of the United States, and he directly challenged the constitutionality of the Missouri Compromise of 1820, which forbade slavery in the Louisiana Territory north of latitude 36 ° 30».
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